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[Stine], [George Harry](1928-97). Manna. New York: DAW Books, 1983.
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Yourell, Agnes Bond(b. 1864). A Manless World. New York: G.W. Dillingham, 1891.
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Dickson, Gordon R[upert](1923-2001). Mankind on the Run. New York: Ace Books, 1956.
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[Calisch], [James Howard](1863-1926). The Mania of the Nations on the Planet Mars and Its Terrific Consequences. A Combination of Fun and Wisdom. New York: The Denker Publishers, 1915.
Salaam, Kalamu ya(b. 1947). "Manhunters" In Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements, Edited by Imarisha, Walidah and brown, adrienne maree(b. 1978). Oakland, CA: AK Press and the Institute for Anarchist Studies, 2015.
Agbedeh, Terh. “Mango Republic” In Lagos_2060: Exciting Sci-Fi Stories from Nigeria, Edited by Arigbabu, Ayodele. Lagos, Nigeria: DADA Books, 2013.
Whitney, Isabella(b. 1545?-1578? fl. 1566–1573)73). “The maner of her Wyll, and what she left to London, and all those in it: at her departing” In A sweet Nosegay, or Pleasant Posye: contayning a hundred and ten Phylosophicall Flowers . London: R. Jones, 1573.
Cooper, Susan [Mary](b. 1935). Mandrake. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1964.
Shriver, Lionel(b. 1957). The Mandibles. A Family, 2029-2047. London: Borough Press, 2016.
[Smilie], [Elton Romeo](1818-89). The Manatitlans; or a Record of Recent Scientific Explorations in the Andean La Plata, S.A.. Cambridge, MA: Ptd. at the Riverside Press, 1877.
Haldane, J[ohn] B[urdon] S[anderson](1892-1964). The Man With Two Memories. London: Merlin Press, 1976.
Laudiano, Manuel C.(b. 1938). The Man With the Third Vision. New York: Vantage Press, 1997.
[Buttrey], [Douglas Norton](1918-1994). The Man With Only One Head. London: Rich and Cowan, 1955.
[Silberberg], [Leslie Frances](1905-1991). “The Man With Four Dimensional Eyes” In Wonder Stories . Vol. 7.3., 1935.
Webster, Henry Kitchell(1875-1932). “The Man with a Scarred Hand” In The American Magazine . Vol. 110., 1930.
[Dunkerley], [William Arthur](1852-1941). The Man Who Would Save the World. London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1927.
Dark, Sidney(1874-1947). The Man Who Would Not Be King. Being the Adventures of one Fenimore Slavington, who was neither born great nor achieved greatness, but had greatness thrust upon him much to his own discomfort and the discomfort of many others. London: John Lane The Bodley Head, 1913.
