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"Temporal Slider" In Strange Horizons. Vol. no. 21., 2021.
“The Woman Who Spoke for the Sea: An Element of Regret” In Nature., 2021.
Everything Feels Like the End of the World. Crows Nest, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin, 2022.
“History Repeating” In Unlimited Futures: Speculative, Visionary Blak and Black Fiction, Edited by Ismail, Rafeif and van Neerven, Ellen(b. 1990). North Fremantle, WA, Australia: Fremantle Press in association with Djed Press, 2022.
“The Memory Exam”., 2022.
Song of Less. South Carlton, Vic, Australia: Cordite Books, 2022.
Song of Less. South Carlton, Vic, Australia: Cordite Books, 2022.
“Spectacular View” In If There’s Anyone Left. A Speculative Fiction Magazine. Volume 3., Edited by Burnham, Jason P., Fields, C. M. and Jiang, Ai(b. 1997). Vol. 3. Np: Np, 2022.
Visco. Np: Habitat Press, 2022.
"The Promise" In Fighting for the Future: Cyberpunk and-Solarpunk Tales, Edited by Wagner, Phoebe. Eugene, OR: Androis Press, 2023.