A Trip to the Moon. Containing an Account of the Island of Noibla. Its Inhabitants, Religious and Political Customs, &c.. Vol. 2 vols. York, Eng.: Ptd. by A. Ward for S. Crowder, et al.,, 1764.
Taciturna and Jocunda; or, Genius Alaciel's Journey through those Two Islands. A Satirical Work. London: Ptd. for R. Withy & J. Cork, 1760.
"The Temple of Pleasure: A Vision" In The British Magazine. Vol. 1., 1760.
A Trip to the Moon. Containing Some Observations and Reflections, made by him during his Stay in that Planet, upon the Manners of the Inhabitants. Dublin, Ireland: Christopher Dickson, 1728.
"Travels in the Kingdom of Philology" In Mist's Weekly Journal. Vol. nos. 83 - 84 ., 1726.
Travels into several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. Vol. 2 vols. London: Ptd. for Beng. Motte, 1726.
Two Discourses Concerning the Affairs of Scotland; Written in the Year 1698. Edinburgh, Scot.: Np, 1698.
Twelve Humble Proposals To the Supreme Governours of the three Nations now assembled at Westminister concerning The Propagation of the Gospel, The New modling of the Universities, The Reformation of the Laws, The Supply of the necessities of the poor; And many other things of great moment, which may conduce to the honour of God, and the comfort and joy of his people. By M[ary] R[ande] an admirer and adorer of the good providence of God, in making such happy changes in these Nations, Edited by R[ande], M[ary] [pseud.]. London: Ptd. by Henry Hills, for R.C. and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, 1653.
"To Saxham" In Poems. London: Ptd. by I.D. for Thomas Walkey, 1640.
"To Penshurst" In The Forrest.” In The Workes of Benjamin Jonson: neque me vt miretur turba, laboro: contentus paucis lectoribus, Edited by Perry, C. H. Herford and Simpson, Evelyn. London: W. Stansby, 1616.
The Tempest. London: Ptd. Isaac Iaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1611.