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Pearlman, Daniel [David](1935-2013). "Taking From the Top" In Synergy: New Science Fiction, Edited by Zebrowski, George(b. 1945). Vol. Number 2. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988.
Zebrowski, George(b. 1945). "To the Universal Station" In Millennium 3001, Edited by Greenberg, Martin H[arry](1941-2011) and Davis, Russell. New York: DAW Books, 2006.
Zepke, Nick(b. 1940). "The Transformation Era" In The New Zealand Listener . Vol. 95.2103., 1980.


Morrow, James [Kenneth](b. 1947). "Veritas" In Synergy: New Science Fiction , Edited by Zebrowski, George(b. 1945). Vol. Number 1. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987.


Sargent, Pamela(b. 1948), and Zebrowski, George(b. 1945). "Weapons" In Dystopian Visions, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975.
Zeilinger, Julie(b. 1993). “Welcome to Arcadia” In The Feminist Utopia Project: Fifty-Seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future, Edited by Brodsky, Alexandra and Nalebuff, Rachel Kauder. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2015.
Zindell, David [Neil](b. 1952). "When the Rose Is Dead." In Full Spectrum , Edited by Aronica, Lou, Stout, Amy and Mitchell, Betsy. Vol. 3. New York: Bantam Books, 1991.
Zeldis, Leon [Léon]. “The Whore of Babylon” In The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction. An Anthology, Edited by Aldiss, Brian W[ilson](1925-2017) and Lundwall, Sam J.. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin Books, 1986.
Zeller, Jill. “A Woman Walks into a Bar” In More Alternative Truths: Stories From the Resistance, Edited by Radford, Phyllis Irene(b. 1950), Kyle, Rebecca McFarland, Berger, Lou J and Brown, Bob. Benton City, WA: B Cubed Press, 2017.


Zanger, Molleen. The Year Seven. [Tallahassee, FL]: Naiad Press, 1993.
