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Duchamp, L[inda] Timmel(b. 1950). Alanya to Alanya: Book One of the Marq'ssan Cycle. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2005.
Duchamp, L[inda] Timmel(b. 1950). Alanya to Alanya: Book One of the Marq'ssan Cycle. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2005.
Daniel, Charles [S.]. Ai. A Social Vision. Philadelphia, PA: Miller Publication Company, 1892.
Duncan, Andy [Andrew Robert](b. 1964). “An Agent of Utopia” In An Agent of Utopia: New & Selected Stories . Easthampton, MA: Small Beer Press, 2018.
Dubinsky, Max Andrew. “After the Water: Thirst” In WBEZ 91.5 Radio’s “After Water” series., 2014.
Lyga, Barry(b. 1971), Facinelli, Peter(1973), and DeFranco, Rob(b. 1970). After the Red Rain. New York: Little, Brown, 2016.
Dennis, Kingsley [L.], and Urry, John(1946-2016). After the Car. Cambridge, Eng.: Polity, 2009.
Dezele, Yazeed(b. 1991). “Afrinewsia” In Omenena Speculative Fiction Magazine. Vol. no. 2., 2015.
Disch, Thomas M[ichael](1940-2008). "The Affluence of Edwin Lollard" In New Writings in S-F , Edited by Carnell, [Edward] John(1912-72). Vol. 10. London: Dennis Dobson, 1967.
Drake, W[illiam] E.. The Adventures of Mr. Snozzlefozzle and the Golden Planet. Austin, TX: Author, 1988.
Drake, W[illiam] E.. The Adventures of Mr. Snozzlefozzle and the Golden Planet. Austin, TX: Author, 1988.
Davis, [Horace] Chan[dler](b. 1926). "Adrift at the Policy Level" In Above the Human Landscape: A Social Science Fiction Anthology, Edited by McNelly, Willis E. and Stover, Leon [Eugene](1929-2006). Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear Publishing, 1959.
Davis, [Horace] Chan[dler](b. 1926). "Adrift at the Policy Level" In Above the Human Landscape: A Social Science Fiction Anthology, Edited by McNelly, Willis E. and Stover, Leon [Eugene](1929-2006). Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear Publishing, 1959.
Dyrenforth, James, and Kester, Max. Adolf in Blunderland: A Political Parody of Lewis Carroll's Famous Story. London: Frederick Muller, 1939.
Delman, William. “Adiona Falters” In Little Blue Marble., 2017.
de Faix, Louis [pseud.]. "A.D. 2006. A Romance of Australia" In The British-Australasian (London) . Vol. 25.54 - 77 ., 1906.
Diegel, Adolf. Action for a New Government. Lancaster, Eng.: Author, 1969.


Disch, Thomas M[ichael](1940-2008). 334. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1972.
Driver, Ric. “The 3 Little Pigs: Part 2” In AnarchoSF: Science Fiction and the Stateless Society [Cover adds Volume One], Edited by Rich, Dana. Vol. 1. Victor, IA: Obsolete Press, 2014.


Locks, Goldie [pseud?]. "2222" In Reckoning 1: An Annual Journal of Creative Writing on Environmental Justice, Edited by DeLuca, Michael. Vol. 1. Lake Orion, MI: Reckoning Press, 2016.
Durer, Chris[topher]. 2084: A Novel. Raleigh NC: Ivy House, 2006.
Strasser, Dirk. 2084 In The World to Come, Edited by West, Patrick and Dwivedi, Om Prakash. Strawberry Hills, NSW, Australia: Spineless Wonders, 2014.
Drummond, Bill [William Ernest](b. 1953), and Cauty, Jimmy [James Francis](b. 1956). 2023: A Trilogy. New York: Faber & Faber, 2017.
2006: 20 Stories of Life, Love and Death on the Roads early in the 21st Century as seen by young writers ten years earlier, Edited by Doyle, Martin. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Police, 1996.
