Splinterlands. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2016.
Square Wave. A Novel. Columbus, OH: Two Dollar Radio, 2016.
“The Squeaky Wheel” In Solarpunk Press ., 2016.
“Standing Still” In Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Edited by Milkoreit, Manjana, Martinez, Meredith and Eschrich, Joey. [Tempe, AZ]: [Arizona State University], 2016.
“Starlings” In Interzone. Vol. no. 264., 2016.
“Staunch” In Cyber World: Tales of Humanity’s Tomorrow, Edited by Heller, Jason and Viola, Joshua. Erie, CO: Hex Publishing, 2016.
"Stewardship" In Unsung Stories, Edited by Archer, Katrina., 2016.
“Still Life with Hammers, a Broom & A Brick Stacker” In Obsidian. Vol. 42.1-2 Speculating Futures: Black Imagination & The Arts., 2016.
Stone Seeds. Chatham, Eng.: Urbane Publications, 2016.
Storm Over Utopia. F. A. Thorpe Punlishing: Leicester, Eng.:, 2016.
“SunDown” In Munyori Literary Journal ., 2016.
The Sunlight Pilgrims. A Novel. London: William Heinemann, 2016.
"Sunshine State" In Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Edited by Milkoreit, Manjana, Martinez, Meredith and Eschrich, Joey. [Tempe, AZ]: [Arizona State University], 2016.
“Survival Instincts” In Dystopia Utopia Short Stories: An Anthology of New & Classic Tales. London: Flame Tree Publishing, 2016.
"Swallow" In Mitêwâcimowina: Indigenous Science Fiction and Speculative Storytelling, Edited by McLeod, Neal. [Pinticion, BC, Canada]: Theytus Press, 2016.
The Salt Line. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2017.
Sand Runner. [North Charleston, SC]: [CreateSpace], 2017.
"The Scent of Betrayal" In Ecopunk! [Cover adds Speculative Tales of Radical Futures], Edited by Grzyb, Liz and Sparks, Cat[riona](b. 1965). Greenwood, WA, Australia: Ticonderoga Publications, 2017.
Secondborn. Seattle, WA: 47North, 2017.
The Secret Files of The Donald. Middletown, DE: Np, 2017.
See You in September. London: Allen & Unwin, 2017.
“The Selfish Bastards We Were” In 49th Parallels, Edited by Trenholm, Hayden(b. ca. 1955). [Ottawa, ON, Canada]: Bundoran Press, 2017.
Selling LipService. Auckland Park, South Africa: Jacana Media, 2017.
“Sensing the Dust” In Persisten Visions., 2017.
The Severed Land. Np: Puffin/Penguin Random House New Zealand, 2017.