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Worlds: A Novel of the Near Future. New York: Viking Press, 1981.
Worlds Apart. New York: Viking, 1983.
Worlds Enough and Time: The Conclusion of the "Worlds" Trilogy. New York: William Morrow, 1992.
Would She Be Gone: A Censored City Novelette. [Wellington, New Zealand]: Author, 2019.
"The Wreck of the South Pole" In The Wreck of the South Pole or the Great Dissembler And Other Strange Tales. New York: Street and Smith, 1899.
"Yahweh's Hour" In A Few Last Words for the Immortals, Edited by Hutchins, Michael H.. Bonney Lake, WA: Kudzu Planet/Fairwood Press, 2021.
The Year of Miracle; A Tale of the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1891.
"You Can't Stop a Spaceman" In Action Monthly Magazine (Sydney, NSW, Australia). Vol. no. 12., 1953.
"You Can't Stop a Spaceman" In Action Monthly Magazine (Sydney, NSW, Australia). Vol. no. 12., 1953.
“You Wanted This” In Gross Ideas: Tales of Tomorrow’s Architecture, Edited by Attlee, Edwina, Harper, Phineas and Smith, Maria. London: The Architecture Foundation and Oslo Architectural Triennale, 2019.
Young Winkle. London: Duckworth, 1925.
“Your Name Here” In How to Save the World, Edited by Helfers, John. [Lincoln City, OR]: Fiction River/WMG Publishing, 2013.