"The Oath of the Comhi-Letzii or 'Order of Renunciates' Commonly Called the 'Free Amazons' with Explanatory Commentary" In The Darkover Concordance: A Reader's Guide. Berkeley, CA: Pennyfarthing Press, 1979.
Offworld. New York: Pocket Books, 1979.
"Options" In Universe, Edited by Carr, Terry [Gene](1937-87). Vol. 9. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979.
"The Origin of the Axletree" In Scottish Short Stories 1979. London: Collins, 1979.
"Our Lady of Desperation" In Ladies From Hell. London: Victor Gollancz, 1979.
"Out There Where The Big Ships Go" In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction . Vol. 57.2 ., 1979.
One On Me. New York: DAW Books, 1980.
Operation Misfit. New York: Ballantine Books, 1980.
“Outside the Solar Village: One Utopian Farm” In New Roots for Agriculture . San Francisco, CA: Friends of the Earth Published in Cooperative with The Land Institute, Salina, Kansas, 1980.
Overworld. London: Faber and Faber, 1980.
Oath of Fealty. Huntington Woods, MI: Phantasia Press, 1981.
"Once Upon a Future: the name gathering" In Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living. Vol. no. 47 ., 1981.
"Orange Blossom Time" In Chrysalis, Edited by Torgeson, Roy. Vol. 9. Garden City: Doubleday, 1981.
"The October Suit" In The 7 Shapes of Solomon Bean and 14 Other Marvelous Stories of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Los Gatos, CA: Polaris Press, 1983.
Orbitsville Departure. New York: DAW Books, 1983.
Orion Shall Rise. New York: Timescape Books, 1983.
Out of the Ashes. New York: Zebra Books, 1983.
Ora:Cle. New York: Berkley Books, 1984.
"O Happy Day!" In Interzone. The First Anthology: New Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing, Edited by Clute, John, Greenland, Colin and Pringle, David. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1985.
"The Oath of the Free Amazons: Terra, Techno Period" In Free Amazons of Darkover: An Anthology, Edited by Bradley, Marion Zimmer(1930-1999) and Friends of Darkover, The [pseud.]. New York: DAW Books, 1985.
Our World After a Nuclear War. [Te Kuiti, New Zealand]: [Sutherland Print], 1985.
"Outlines for Urban Fantasies" In Urban Fantasies, Edited by King, David and Blackford, Russell [Kenneth]. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Ebony Books, 1985.
"Orgy" In Orgy & Other Things. San Bernardino, CA: Xenos Books, 1986.
The Others. London: Methuen Children's Books, 1986.
"Our Town" In Omni 9.2 ., 1986.