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Melville, Herman(1819-1891). Mardi: and A Voyage Thither. Vol. 2 vols. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1849.
[Judd], [Sylvester](1813-53). Margaret: A Tale of the Real and the Ideal, Blight and Bloom; Including Sketches of a Place Not Before Described, Called Mons Christi. Boston, MA: Jordan and Wiley, 1845.
Clapperton, J[ane] H[ume](1832-1914). Margaret Dunmore: or A Socialist Home. London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co, 1888.
Tepper, Sheri [Shirley] S[tewart](1929-2016). The Margarets. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.
Forbes, Caroline(b. 1952). "Marianna and the Graduation" In The Reach and other stories; lesbian feminist fiction, Edited by Mohin, Lilian and Shulman, Sheila. London: Onlywomen Press, 1984.
Bear, Greg[ory Dale](1951-2022). Mariposa. New York: Vanguard Press, 2009.
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Rivera, José(b. 1955). Marisol. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1994.
Petersilea, Carlyle(1844-1903). Mark Chester: or A Mill and A Million. A Tale of Southern California. Boston, MA: Benner of Light Publishing Co, 1901.
Szilard, Leo(1898-1964). "The Mark Gable Foundation" In The Voice of the Dolphin and Other Stories. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1961.
Chomley, C[harles] H[enry](1868-1943?). Mark Meredith: A Tale of Socialism. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Edgerton & Moore, 1905.
Watson, Sydney. "The Mark of the Beast". London: W. Nicholson, 1915.
Morgan, Richard [Kingsley](b. 1965). Market Forces. London: Gollancz, 2004.
Stewart, Ian(b. 1945). “Market Forces: Paradise Revamped” In Nature. Vol. 507.7492 ., 2014.
Harvey, Sara M.. "Marketing Proposal" In Dark Futures, Edited by Sizemore, Jason. Howell, NJ: Dark Quest Books, 2010.
[Fawkes], [Frank Attfield]. Marmaduke, Emperor of Europe. Being a Record of Some Strange Adventures in the Remarkable Career of a Political and Social Reformer Who Was Famous at the Commencement of the Twentieth Century. Chelmsford, Eng./London: Edmund Durrant/Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1895.
Favenc, Ernest(1846?-1908). Marooned On Australia: Being the Narrative of Diedrich Buys of His Discoveries and Exploits "In Terra Australis Incognita" About the Year 1630. London: Blackie and Sons, 1897.
Kirkendall, Lester A., and Gravatt, Arthur E.. “Marriage and Family: Styles and Forms” In Marriage and the Family in the Year 2020, Edited by Kirkendall, Lester A. and Gravatt, Arthur E.. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1984.
Owen, Robert(1771-1858). "Marriage As It Ought To Be" In The New Moral World (London). Vol. [5].32., 1833.
Moore, [Francis] Frank Frankfort Thomas(1855-1931). The Marriage Lease; The Story of a Social Experiment. London: Hutchinson, 1907.
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