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A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain. London: Longmans, 1920.
The Cow Pasture Road. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Art in Australia, 1920.
The Cow Pasture Road. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Art in Australia, 1920.
“The Termitodoxa, or Biology and Society” In Scientific Monthly. Vol. 10.2., 1920.
The White Dawn. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House, 1920.
The White Dawn. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House, 1920.
Dalleszona and the Seventh Treasure. Boston, MA: The Roxburgh Pub. Co., 1922.
"Men Like Gods: An Original Romance" In The Westminster Gazette. Vol. nos. 9175 - 9210., 1922.
"Men Like Gods: An Original Romance" In The Westminster Gazette. Vol. nos. 9175 - 9210., 1922.
The Superman. New York: Authors & Publishers, 1922.
"The Dream" In Nash's and Pall Mall Magazine. Vol. 72-73., 1923.
"The Dream" In Nash's and Pall Mall Magazine. Vol. 72-73., 1923.
When Woman Rules! A Tale of the First Women's Government. London: John Long, 1923.
The Amphibians. A Romance of 500,000 Years Hence. London: Merton Press, 1924.
The Amphibians. A Romance of 500,000 Years Hence. London: Merton Press, 1924.
Looking Forward. Los Angeles, CA: Author, 1925.
Through the Needle's Eye; A narrative of the restoration of the Davidic Kingdom of Israel in Palestine with Jesus Christ as King. Based Upon The Bride of Christ By Emry Davis. New York: The Palestine Press, 1925.
Volonor. New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1925.
"The Dream City" In Humbert Wolfe. London: Ernest Benn, 1926.
Plato's American Republic. Done out of the original. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1926.
Plato's American Republic. Done out of the original. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1926.
"Utopia Lost" In Catholic World (U.S.). Vol. 122 ., 1926.