The Crowning of Technocracy. New York: Laboratory of Robert M. McBride & Co., 1933.
Cankered Gold. Muskegon, MI: Author, 1934.
Castaway. New York: Random House., 1934.
Castaways of Plenty. Denver, CO: Pub. by The Rocky Mountain Division of the Continental Committee on Technocracy, 1934.
Christopher Brand; Looking Forward. Los Angeles, CA: Wetzel Pub. Co, 1934.
Confound Their Politics. London: George Bell & Sons, 1934.
"The Celestial Visitor" In Wonder Stories (Springfield, MA) . Vol. 6.10 ., 1935.
Comrade Gulliver: An Illustrated Account of Travel into that Strange Country the United States of America. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1935.
The Chosen Race. [St. Petersburg, FL]: The Cavalier Pub. Co, 1936.
Collective Insecurity. London: Longmans, Green & Co, 1936.
Co-op. A Novel of Living: Together. Pasadena, CA: The Author, 1936.
Carson of Venus. Tarzana, CA: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Publishers, 1939, 1937.
"City of the Rocket Horde" In Astounding Stories . Vol. 20.4 ., 1937.
"City of the Corporate Mind" In Astounding Stories . Vol. 24.4., 1939.
"City of the Cosmic Rays" In Astounding Science Fiction . Vol. 23.5 ., 1939.
Cooperative Cities--A New Civilization. Seattle, WA: Giberson Mimeo, 1939.
“A Ceremonial” In New Directions in Prose and Poetry 1940, Edited by Laughlin, James(1914-97). Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1940.
"Coventry" In Astounding Science Fiction (New York). Vol. 25.5 ., 1940.
Crimson Courage. London: Frederick Muller, 1940.
A Common Enemy. London: Hutchinson, 1941.
Change of Heart. London: George G. Harrap, 1942.
Christianity and Social Order. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin Books, 1942.
"City of Glass" In Startling Stories (Chicago, IL) . Vol. 8.1., 1942.
"Captain Marvel Finds Utopia" In Whiz Comics (New York). Vol. 7.39 ., 1943.
Cities of the Plain: A Democratic Melodrama. London: Grey Walls Press, 1943.