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The Extraordinary Islanders: Being an Authentic Account of the Cruise of the 'Asphodel' as Related by Her Owner. London: R.A. Everett, 1903.
The Eyre Affair. A Novel. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2001.
Fallen Angels. New York: Baen, 1991.
Falsivir's Travels. The Remarkable Adventures of John Falsivir Seaman at the North Pole and in the Interior of the Earth With a Description of the Wonderful People and the Things Discovered There. [London]: Published for the Proprietor, 1886.
“Farewell Reverberated Vault of Detentions.” In New and Selected Poems: Mualdjali, Mutuerjaraera , Edited by Porter, Peter. South Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Hyland House, 1995.
"Farmers" In Little Blue Marble., 2021.
The Feelies. London: Big O Publishing, 1978.
"A Feminine Iconoclast" In The Nationalist. Vol. 1.7 ., 1889.
"A Feminist Utopia" In The Voice of the Prophet. Vol. 6.2 ., 1983.
"A Few Things Altered or Abolished" In The Nation (New York). Vol. 126.3282 ., 1928.
"Fix-It Shop" In Catalysts, Explorers & Secret Keepers: Women of Science Fiction, Edited by Louzon, Monica, Weisfeld, Jake, McHale, Heather, Jasny, Barbara and Frederick, Rachel. Washington, DC: Museum of Science Fiction, 2017.
"Flight" In The Red Sun of Darkover, Edited by Bradley, Marion Zimmer(1930-1999) and Friends of Darkover, The [pseud.]. New York: DAW Books, 1987.
A Flight to the Moon; or, The Vision of Randalthus. Baltimore, MD: A. Miltenberger, 1813.
The Fool Killer. Chicago, IL: American Publishers' Association, 1885.
"For Our Sins . . ." In Hazardous Imaginings: The Mondo Book of Politically Incorrect Science Fiction. Manassas, VA: MonstraCity Press, 2020.
“For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls” In Again, Hazardous Imaginings: More Politically Incorrect Science Fiction. An International Anthology, Edited by Fox, Andrew(b. 1964). Manassas, VA: MonstraCity Press, 2020.
Four Futures: Vision of the World After Capitalism. London: Verso, 2016.
The Free Prince and The New World's Laws and A Vision of the Outer World. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: J. Ingleson Print, 1909.
The Free Prince and The New World's Laws and A Vision of the Outer World. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: J. Ingleson Print, 1909.
From the Notebooks of Doctor Brain. New York: Ballantine Books, 2007.
“From the Shoals of Broken Cities” In Shades Within Us: Tales of Migration and Fractured Borders, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2018.
Frostlands. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2018.
“The Future in London” In In W.W. Hutchings. London Town Past and Present With a Chapter on the Future in London by Ford Madox Hueffer. Profusely Illustrated from Old Prints and from Photographs and Drawings. Vol. 2 vols. London: Cassell and Co., 1909.
The Future Revealed in the Wisdom of Chiska Ru. An Unbiased Stranger Guides the Discussion . . .. Vancouver, BC, Canada: Atlas Printers, 1943.
"Futurology: The Real World of 2084" In The Real World of 1984: A Look at the Forseeable Future. New York: David McKay Co., 1973.