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“Precaution at Penn Station” In Welcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead, Edited by Van Gelder, Gordon(b. 1966). New York: O/R Books, 2018.
“The Prime Minister” In Unlimited Futures: Speculative, Visionary Blak and Black Fiction, Edited by Ismail, Rafeif and van Neerven, Ellen(b. 1990). North Fremantle, WA, Australia: Fremantle Press in association with Djed Press, 2022.
Prince Pax. London: Duckworth, 1933.
"Prologue to Freedom" In Worlds of If. Vol. 23.1 (176)., 1986.
"Prologue to Freedom" In Worlds of If. Vol. 23.1 (176)., 1986.
The Prosperity Plan; The only way to maintain widespread, well-founded prosperity and free enterprise in any society without war without debt without hardship without inflation without high taxes without big government and without communism. [Woomera, SA, Australia/Huntington Beach, CA]: Utopian Publishers, 1972.
The Prosperity Plan; The only way to maintain widespread, well-founded prosperity and free enterprise in any society without war without debt without hardship without inflation without high taxes without big government and without communism. [Woomera, SA, Australia/Huntington Beach, CA]: Utopian Publishers, 1972.
"Quin's Shanghai Circus" In Interzone. Vol. no. 124., 1997.
Rainbows End. New York: Tor, 2006.
The Red Court: Last Seat of National Government of The United States of America. Chicago, IL: Nelson Publishing Co, 1952.
Renaissance. New York: Pocket Books, 1979.
Renaissance. New York: Pocket Books, 1979.
“The Road South” In Welcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead, Edited by Van Gelder, Gordon(b. 1966). New York: O/R Books, 2018.
"Salmpala" In Cloverleaf in the Grid, Edited by Briggs, Catherine and Veith, Thomas. Seattle: College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Washington, 1989.
"Salmpala" In Cloverleaf in the Grid, Edited by Briggs, Catherine and Veith, Thomas. Seattle: College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Washington, 1989.
Saltflower. New York: Avon Books, 1971.
"Sanctuary" In Welcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead, Edited by Van Gelder, Gordon(b. 1966). New York: O/R Books, 2018.
Scydromedia seu sermo, quem Alphonsus de la Vida Habuit Coram Comite de Falmouth, De Monarchia. Liber Primus. Nurmburg, Germany: Johannis Ziegeri, 1669.
Sealed Entrance. A Novel. London: Chapman & Hall, 1947.
Sealed Entrance. A Novel. London: Chapman & Hall, 1947.
"The Segment" In After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia, Edited by Datlow, Ellen [Sue] and Windling, Terri. New York: Hyperion, 2012.
Selestor’s Men of Atlantis. Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House, 1937.
“Semiramis” In Clarkesworld Magazine. Vol. no., 57. London: Robinson, 2011.
"A Servantless House. A Domestic Version of the Near Future" In The Strand Magazine . Vol. 61.242 ., 1911.
“The Seventh Street Matriarchy” In Resist Fascism, Edited by Leib, Bart R. and Holt, Kay T.. [Somerville, MA]: Crossed Genres, 2018.