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A New society, called the Self-Examining Society. [Connecticut?], 1830.
[Chamberlain], [Betsey Guppy](1797-1886). "A New Society" In The Lowell Offering; A Repository of Original Articles, Written Exclusively By Females Employed in the Mills (Lowell, MA). Vol. 1., 1841.
Cephas, [pseud.]. A New Social Order. Birmingham, Eng.: Cornish Brothers, 1942.
Ray, Howard William. The New School: A Novel of the Creation of a New Society. New York: Exposition Press, 1959.
Gardner, [Henry] Gilson(1869-1935). A New Robinson Crusoe. A New Version of His Life and Adventures With an Explanatory Note. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920.
Mallock, W[illiam] [Hurrell](1849-1923). The New Republic; or, Culture, Faith and Philosophy in an English Country House. Vol. 2 vols. London: Chatto and Windus, 1877.
Schellhous, E. J. M.D.. The New Republic. Founded on the Natural and Inalienable Rights of Man, and Containing the Outlines of Such a Government As the Patriot Fathers Contemplated and Formulated in the Declaration of Independence, When Struggling for Liberty. San Francisco, CA: Bacon and Company, 1883.
Leddy, James. The New Republic. New York: Abbey Press, 1902.
Baum, Gregory [G.]. "A New Renaissance?" In Visions 2020: Fifty Canadians in Search of a Future, Edited by Clarkson, Stephen For the Canadian Forum. Edmonton, AB, Canada: M. G. Hurtig, 1970.
Longdill, C[harles] P[ynson] W[ilmot](1866-1933). A New Religion. (For Circulation among Adults only). Auckland, New Zealand: Ptd. by Albert Spencer, 1901.
Brant, John(1872-1959). The New Regime, A.D. 2202. New York: Cochrane Publishing Company, 1909.
[Beamish], [Anna O'Meara de Vic](b. 1883). The New Race of Devils. London: Anglo-Eastern Pub. Co, 1921.
[Grover], [Harriet?]. The New Political Economy, of the Honey-Bee. Exeter, Eng.: Ptd. and Pub. for the Author by W.C. Featherstone, 1828.
Gloag, John [Edwards](1896-1981). The New Pleasure. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1933.
Deakin, Alfred(1856-1919). A New Pilgrim's Progress Purported to be Given By John Bunyan, Through an Impressional Medium. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: W.H. Terry, 1877.
Doyle, Theodore. New Patriot. A Novel. Lexington, KY: Np, 2011.
Lord, Karen [Antoinette Roberta](b. 1968). "A New Panama" In Bim: Arts for the 21st Century. Vol. 8.1., 2016.
Whyte, J. H.. New Orleans in 1950, Being a Story of the Carnival City, From the Pen of a Descendant of Herodotus, Possessing the Gift of Prescience. New Orleans, LA: A.W. Hyatt & Co, 1899.
Macdonald, W[illiam] Allen, and Macdonald, Helen Meredith. The New Order: Social Revolution of Free Groups. London: Questell Press, 1911.
Upward, Edward [Falaise](1903-2009). "New Order" In The Penguin New Writing , Edited by Lehmann, John Editor. Vol. No. 14. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin Books, 1942.
Gratacap, L[ouis] P[ope](1851-1917). The New Northland. New York: Thomas Benton, 1915.
Mander, A[lfred] Ernest(b. 1892). "New New Zealand". Wellington, New Zealand: Clarté, 1922.
Bump, Gabriel. The New Naturals. A Novel. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2023.
Buchanan, Dean A.. A New Nation. Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing, LLC, 2006.
Fawns, Angelique. "The New Mutants" In Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses. Third Flatiron Anthologies Volume 9, Book 28 (Summer 2020), Edited by Rew, Juliana. Vol. Volume 9, Book 28 . [Boulder, CO/Ayr, Scotland]: Third Flatiron Publishing, 2020.
