“The Weeds and the Wilderness” In Strangers Among Us: Tales of the Underdogs and Outcasts, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2016.
"Vanilla Rice" In Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Edited by Law, Lucas K. and Mak, Derwin. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Group, 2017.
“A Star Is Born” In Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Edited by Law, Lucas K. and Mak, Derwin. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Group, 2017.
“The Sabhu My Destination” In Seasons Between Us: Tales of Identities and Memories, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2021.
“Remember the Green” In Shades Within Us: Tales of Migration and Fractured Borders, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2018.
“Porque el Girasol se Llama el Girasol” In Shades Within Us: Tales of Migration and Fractured Borders, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2018.
“The Orphans of Nilaveli” In Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Edited by Law, Lucas K. and Mak, Derwin. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2017.
“The Marsh of Camarina” In Shades Within Us: Tales of Migration and Fractured Borders, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2018.
“In a Bar by the Ocean, a World Waits” In Shades Within Us: Tales of Migration and Fractured Borders, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksha Media Groups, 2018.
"The Healer's Touch" In The Sum of Us: Tales of the Bonded and Bound, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksha Media Groups, 2017.
"Habitat" In Shades Within Us: Tales of Migration and Fractured Borders, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2018.
“Gilbert Tong’s Life List” In Shades Within Us: Tales of Migration and Fractured Borders, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2018.
“From the Shoals of Broken Cities” In Shades Within Us: Tales of Migration and Fractured Borders, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2018.
“The Culling” In Strangers Among Us: Tales of the Underdogs and Outcasts, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2016.
“blinders” In The Sum of Us: Tales of the Bonded and Bound, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksha Media Groups, 2017.
“The Age of Miracles” In Strangers Among Us: Tales of the Underdogs and Outcasts, Edited by Forest, Susan and Law, Lucas K.. Calgary, AB, Canada: Laksa Media Groups, 2016.