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Victoria, Eliza. "The Target" In Philippine Speculative Fiction. Volume 10. Literature of the Fantastic, Edited by Alfar, Dean Francis and Alfar, Nikki. Vol. 10. Np: Kestrel DDM, 2016.


Koo, Crystal Gail Shangkuan. "Rooftops of Manila" In Philippine Speculative Fiction. Volume 4: Literature of the Fantastic, Edited by Alfar, Dean Francis and Alfar, Nikki. Vol. 4. Np: Kestrel DDM, 2008.


Batacan, [Maria] F[elisa] H.. "Keeping Time" In Philippine Speculative Fiction , Edited by Alfar, Dean Francis and Alfar, Nikki. Vol. Volume 3: Literature of the Fantastic. Np: Kestrel DDM, 2007.