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Author Title [ Year] Filters: Author is A[lbert] A[rcher] Van Petten (1925-2005) [Clear All Filters]
The Great Man's Life 1925-2000 A.C. New York: Utopian Publishers, Inc, 1959.
The Prosperity Plan; The only way to maintain widespread, well-founded prosperity and free enterprise in any society without war without debt without hardship without inflation without high taxes without big government and without communism. [Woomera, SA, Australia/Huntington Beach, CA]: Utopian Publishers, 1972.
The Prosperity Plan; The only way to maintain widespread, well-founded prosperity and free enterprise in any society without war without debt without hardship without inflation without high taxes without big government and without communism. [Woomera, SA, Australia/Huntington Beach, CA]: Utopian Publishers, 1972.
The Justice Plan: The only way to ensure widespread, well-founded justice in any society. Justice Liberty Prosperity. Escondido, CA: Van Petten Co., 1989.