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Anderson, K[aren] G.. "Wishbone" In Infinite Lives: Short Tales of Infinity. Third Flatiron Anthologies, Edited by Rew, Juliana. Vol. 8, Book 26. [Boulder, CO/Ayr, Scotland]: Third Flatiron Publishing, 2019.


Fawns, Angelique. "The New Mutants" In Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses. Third Flatiron Anthologies Volume 9, Book 28 (Summer 2020), Edited by Rew, Juliana. Vol. Volume 9, Book 28 . [Boulder, CO/Ayr, Scotland]: Third Flatiron Publishing, 2020.


Rew, Juliana. “Mémé” In Clockwise: The Darkest Hour, Edited by Goss, Jax. Np: Solarwyrm Press, 2015.


Freeman, Paul A.. “Catcher in the Sky” In Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses. Third Flatiron Anthologies Volume 9, Book 28 (Summer 2020), Edited by Rew, Juliana. Vol. Volume 9, Book 28. [Boulder, CO/Ayr, Scotland]: Third Flatiron Publishing, 2020.


Cleden, David. “All Fuzzed Out and Fractal” In Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses. Third Flatiron Anthologies Volume 9, Book 28 (Summer 2020), Edited by Rew, Juliana. Vol. Volume 9, Book 28. [Boulder, CO/Ayr, Scotland]: Third Flatiron Publishing, 2020.