"All the Room in the World" In Land/Space: An Anthology of Prairie Speculative Fiction, Edited by Dorsey, Candas Jane(b. 1952) and McCrosky, Judy Berlyne. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Tesseract Books, 2002.
"Little Sister" In Land/Space: An Anthology of Prairie Speculative Fiction, Edited by Dorsey, Candas Jane(b. 1952) and McCrosky, Judy Berlyne. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Tesseract Books, 2002.
“Waiting for the Zephyr” In Land/Space: An Anthology of Prairie Speculative Fiction, Edited by Dorsey, Candas Jane(b. 1952) and McCrosky, Judy Berlyne. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Tesseract Books, 2002.