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Filters: Author is Michael Flürscheim (1844-1912)  [Clear All Filters]


Flürscheim, Michael(1844-1912). "The Great Calamity on Robinson's Island" In The Commercial Exchange Gazette. The Official Organ of the New Zealand Exchange Co., Ltd. (New Zealand) . Vol. 1.5 ., 1899.
Flürscheim, Michael(1844-1912). "A Strange Story" In The Commercial Exchange Gazette. The Official Organ of the New Zealand Exchange Co., Ltd. (New Zealand) . Vol. 1.6., 1899.
Flürscheim, Michael(1844-1912). "Wonderful Story of a Shipwreck and Its Consequences" In The Commercial Exchange Gazette. The Official Organ of the New Zealand Exchange Co., Ltd. (New Zealand) . Vol. 1.7., 1899.