“Solarpunks” In Fighting for the Future: Cyberpunk and-Solarpunk Tales, Edited by Wagner, Phoebe. Eugene, OR: Android Press, 2023.
“A Day in the Life of Anmar 20X1” In Strange Horizons., 2021.
“Application 39” In Palestine + 100 [Cover adds Stories from a century after the Nakba], Edited by Ghalayin, Basma. Np: Comma Press, 2019.
"Commonplace" In Palestine + 100 [Cover adds Stories from a century after the Nakba]. Np: Comma Press, 2019.
"Vengeance" In Palestine + 100 [Cover adds Stories from a century after the Nakba], Edited by Ghalayin, Basma. Np: Comma Press, 2019.