"Alt-Dream" In Unlimited Futures: Speculative, Visionary Blak and Black Fiction, Edited by Ismail, Rafeif and van Neerven, Ellen(b. 1990). North Fremantle, WA, Australia: Fremantle Press in association with Djed Press, 2022.
“Doomsday Derby” In Solarpunk Magazine. Vol. no. 1., 2022.
"Freely Given" In Metamorphosis Magazine ., 2022.
Màgòdiz. Vancouver, BC, Canada: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2022.
“Tillandsia” In Solarpunk Magazine. Vol. no. 2., 2022.
"The Apology" In Shoreline of Infinity. Vol. no. 28., 2021.
“Deer, Tiger, and Witch” In Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures, Edited by Rupprecht, Christoph, Cleland, Deborah, Tamura, Norie, Chaudhuri, Rajat and Ulibarri, Sarena. Albuquerque, NM: World Weaver Press, 2021.
“It Is the Year 2115” In Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures, Edited by Rupprecht, Christoph, Cleland, Deborah, Tamura, Norie, Chaudhuri, Rajat and Ulibarri, Sarena. Albuquerque,NM: World Weaver Press, 2021.
The Last Cup of Coffee in the World” In Shoreline of Infinity. Vol. no. 26., 2021.
Unity. San Francisco, CA: Tachyon Publications, 2021.
"Upgrade" In Fix the World: Twelve Sci-Fi Writers Save the Future, Edited by Coatsworth, J. Scott. Sacramento, CA: Other Worlds Ink, 2021.
“Beasts of Bataranam” In Dragon Bike: Fantastical Stories of Bicycling, Feminism, and Dragons, Edited by Luojola, Taru. Portland, OR: Microcosm Publishing, 2020.
“Champions of Water War” In Glitter + Ashes: Queer Tales of a World that Wouldn’t Die, Edited by Ring, Dave. [Washington, DC]: Neon Hemlock Press, 2020.
Docile [The dust jacket has the subtitle There Is No Consent Under Capitalism]. New York: Doherty Associates, 2020.
“The Future in Color” In Glitter + Ashes: Queer Tales of a World that Wouldn’t Die, Edited by Ring, Dave. [Washington, DC]: Neon Hemlock Press, 2020.
“One of the less horrible of the many dystopian futures visited by the Time Traveller: Watch and Wait” In Nature. Vol. 580.7804 ., 2020.
“Recovering the Lost Art of Cuddling” In Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Winters. An Anthology, Edited by Ulibarri, Sarena. Albuquerque, NM: World Weaver Press, 2020.
“The Valley of Mothers” In Glitter + Ashes: Queer Tales of a World that Wouldn’t Die, Edited by Ring, Dave., 2020.
All City. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2019.
“The Bookstore at the End of America” In A People’s Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers, Edited by LaValle, Victor(b. 1972) and Adams, John Joseph(b. 1976). New York: One World, 2019.
The City in the Middle of the Night. New York: Tor, 2019.
The Deep. New York: Saga Press, 2019.
The Future of Another Timeline. New York: Tor/Tom Doherty Associates, 2019.
“Grindr City” In How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables, Edited by Graham, Mark, Kitchin, Rob, Mattern, Shannon and Shaw, Joe. Np: Meatspace Press, 2019.
"Old Media" In, 2019.