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Shaw, Bob [Robert](1931-96). "Altar Egoes" In Beyond This Horizon: An Anthology of Science Fact and Science Fiction, Edited by Carrell, Christopher. Sunderland, Eng.: Ceolfrith Arts, 1973.
Gray, G[areth](b. 1972). “The American” In Trump: Utopia or Dystopia, Edited by Garrard, JF and Frankel, Jen. [Toronto, ON, Canada]: Dark Helix Press, 2017.
Chatterjee, Rimi B.(b. 1969). “Arfabad” In Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures, Edited by Rupprecht, Christoph, Cleland, Deborah, Tamura, Norie, Chaudhuri, Rajat and Ulibarri, Sarena. Albuquerque, NM: World Weaver Press, 2021.
Chatterjee, Rimi B.(b. 1969). “Arisudan” In Mithila Review. Vol. no. 15., 2021.


Moore, Brian(1921-99). "Catholics" In New American Review . Vol. 15., 1972.


Lewis, C[live] S[taples](1898-1963). "The Dark Tower" In The Dark Tower and Other Stories, Edited by Hooper, Walter. London: Collins, 1977.
McDonald, Ian [Neil](b. 1960). "The Days of Solomon Gursky" In Asimov's Science Fiction . Vol. 22.6 (270) ., 1998.
MacLeod, Ian R[oderick](b. 1956). “The Discovered Country” In Asimov’s Science Fiction . Vol. 37.9 (452) ., 2013.
[Lewis], [Clive] [Staples](1898-1963). Dymer. London: John Dent, 1926.


MacLeod, Ian R[oderick](b. 1956). "Entangled" In Asimov’s Science Fiction . Vol. 37.12 (455) ., 2013.


MacLeod, Ian R[oderick](b. 1956). “Frost on Glass” In Frost on Glass . Hornsea, Eng.: PS Publishing, 2015.


[MacEoin], [Denis M.](b. 1949). K. London: HarperCollins, 1997.


McDonald, Ian [Neil](b. 1960). Necroville. London: Gollancz, 1994.
MacLeod, Ian R[oderick](b. 1956). "Nevermore" In Dying For It: More Erotic Tales of Unearthly Love, Edited by Dozois, Gardner R[aymond](1947-2018). New York: HarperPrism, 1997.
Shaw, Bob [Robert](1931-96). Night Walk. New York: Banner, 1967.
