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Lester, Edmund S. J.(1866-1934). "Calling Things By their Proper Names" In The Tablet (London). Vol. 157 ., 1931.
Burnett, Emily. “Candidate 1143172 cover letter: Junior pot scrubber: Career progression” In Nature., 2024.
Harrison, Helga [Susan Barbara](b. 1923). The Catacombs. London: Chatto & Windus, 1962.
[Thompson], [Anthony Allert](b. 1939). Catharsis Central. London: Dennis Dobson, 1968.
Ryman, Geoff[rey Charles](b. 1951). The Child Garden or A Low Comedy. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989.
Belden, David [Corderoy](b. 1949). Children of Arable. New York: New American Library, 1986.
Savage, Juanita. City of Desire. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1926.
Trevayne, Emma. CODA. Philadelphia, PA: Running Press Teens, 2013.
Tuttle, Lisa(b. 1952). "A Cold Dish" In SciFiction., 2000.
Edmonds, Gill. The Common. London: Blond & Briggs, 1984.
[Fox], [Frank Ignatius](1874-1960). "The Commonwealth Crisis" In The Lone Hand (Sydney, NSW, Australia) . Vol. 3.18 - 5.28 ., 1908.
Brown, Molly [Doris Mary]. "Community Service" In Interzone (Brighton, Eng.). Vol. no. 107., 1996.
Roy, Anita. "Cooking Time" In Eat the Sky, Drink the Ocean, Edited by Murray, Kirsty(b. 1960), Dhar, Payal and Roy, Anita. New Delhi, India: Young Zubaan, 2014.
Cordy, Michael(b. 1961). Crime Zero. London: Bantam Books, 1999.
Puxley, Marianne. "Cronus" In Interzone. Vol. no. 29 ., 1989.
La Tourette, Aileen(b. 1946). Cry Wolf. London: Virago, 1986.
Lawrence, Clare. Crying Out. West Meon, Eng.: Ransom, 2014.
