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Author [ Title] Year Filters: Keyword is Female author and Author is Joey Eschrich [Clear All Filters]
“Wonder of the World” In Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Edited by Milkoreit, Manjana, Martinez, Meredith and Eschrich, Joey. [Tempe, AZ]: [Arizona State University], 2016.
"Thirteen Year" In Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Edited by Milkoreit, Manjana, Martinez, Meredith and Eschrich, Joey. [Tempe, AZ]: [Arizona State University], 2016.
“Standing Still” In Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Edited by Milkoreit, Manjana, Martinez, Meredith and Eschrich, Joey. [Tempe, AZ]: [Arizona State University], 2016.
"Masks" In Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Edited by Milkoreit, Manjana, Martinez, Meredith and Eschrich, Joey. [Tempe, AZ]: [Arizona State University], 2016.
“For the Sake of Snake Power” In The Weight of Light: A Collection of Solar Futures, Edited by Miller, Clark A. and Eschrich, Joey. Tempe, AZ: Center for Science and the Imagination Arizona State University, 2018.
“On Darwin Tides” In Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Edited by Milkoreit, Manjana, Martinez, Meredith and Eschrich, Joey. [Tempe, AZ]: [Arizona State University], 2016.
"Big Rural" In The Weight of Light: A Collection of Solar Futures, Edited by Miller, Clark A. and Eschrich, Joey. Tempe, AZ: : Center for Science and the Imagination Arizona State University, 2018.
"Acqua Alta" In Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Edited by Milkoreit, Manjana, Martinez, Meredith and Eschrich, Joey. [Tempe, AZ]: [Arizona State University], 2016.