Pyrexia (A sapiens-fiction novel). Gualala, CA: III Publishing, 1997.
“Passion, Digitally” In The New York Times Magazine., 1996.
"Patches" In Trapdoor to Heaven: New Fiction. Kingston, ON, Canada: Quarry Press, 1996.
Paths to Otherwhere. Riverdale, NY: Baen, 1996.
Pirates of the Universe. New York: Tor, 1996.
"A Plan for Wellington until the Destruction: Utopic Excavations at the Palisade". Welling, New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington, 1996.
"Principles of Animal Eugenetics" In Tomorrow. Vol. no. 20., 1996.
The Prisoner's Son: Homage to Anthony Burgess. Seattle, WA: Black Heron Press, 1996.
Protektor. New York: Avon Books, 1996.
Pussy, King of the Pirates. New York: Grove Atlantic Press, 1996.
Pfitz. Sawtry, Cambridgeshire, Eng.: Dedalus, 1995.
Playing the Game. London: HarperCollins, 1995.
Profiteer. Hostile Takeover # 1. New York: DAW Books, 1995.
The Psalms of Herod. Clarkson, GA: White Wolf Publishing, 1995.
"The Puzzle, Gentlemanly" In Rutherford's Dreams: A New Zealand Science Fiction Collection, Edited by Bennett, Warwick and Hudson, Patrick. Wellington, New Zealand: IPL Books, 1995.
“The Place Between” In Snows of Darkover, Edited by Bradley, Marion Zimmer(1930-1999). New York: DAW Books, 1994.
The Plot to Win the White House and How It Succeeded. Sherman Oaks, CA: Jade Publications, 1994.
“Poetic License” In Snows of Darkover, Edited by Bradley, Marion Zimmer(1930-1999). New York: DAW Books, 1994.
"Professionals" In Interzone. Vol. no. 86 ., 1994.
Pallas. New York: Tor, 1993.
Parable of the Sower. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1993.
Pax Femina Series: Book II. The Kinslow Project. [Bloomington, IN]: Xlibris, 1993.
A Plastic Paradise. Canberra, Act, Australia: Boris Books, 1993.
"The Price of Peace" In Starsongs Tau Whetu: The 1993 New Zealand Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Edited by Weber, Jean. Norsewood, New Zealand: Pegapus Press, 1993.
“The Punishment of Luxury.” In Serving Suggestions: Stories. London: Victor Gollancz, 1993.