The Last Thing You'd Want To Know. Montréal, QC, Canada: Tundra Books, 1976.
Lifeline. London: Robert Hale, 1976.
"The Little Book of All Colors" In Papers in Honor of Professor Woodbridge Bingham: A Festschrift for His Seventy-fifth Birthday, Edited by Parsons, James B[unyan](b. 1948). San Francisco, CA: Chinese Materials Center, 1976.
The Lost Traveller; A Motorcycle Grail Quest Epic and Science Fiction Western. London: Macmillan, 1976.
"Letter from London, 1985" In The Collapse of Democracy. London: Temple Smith, 1975.
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The Log of a Superfluous Son. A Novel. Dunedin, New Zealand: John McIndoe, 1975.
The Last Days of the American Empire. Toronto, ON, Canada: Macmillan of Canada, 1974.
The Last of the Country House Murders. London: Jonathan Cape, 1974.
The Legacy. A Drama in One Act. New York: Samuel French, 1974.
Life and Times of Michael K. Johannesburg, South Africa: Ravan Press, 1974.
"Love Conquers All" In Galaxy Science Fiction. Vol. 35.11 - 36.1 ., 1974.
"Lust in Action" In The Fatal Woman. Toronto, ON, Canada: Anansi, 1974.
Left On! The Glorious Bourgeois Cultural Revolution. New York: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co., 1973.
The Leisure Riots; A Comic Novel. Montréal, QC, Canada: Tundra Books, 1973.
"Life in the Year 2000" In Royal Institute of British Architects Journal. Vol. 80.7., 1973.
"London Times, 2075 July 15. Reporter Visits Lincoln. First Reporter in 100 Years" In 1973 American Anthropological Association Experimental Symposium on Cultural Futuristics: Pre-Conference Volume. [Minneapolis, MN]: [Office for Applied Social Science and the Future, University of Minnesota], 1973.
"Lone Warrior" In Two Views of Wonder, Edited by Scortia, Thomas N[icholas](1926-1986) and Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn(b. 1942). New York: Ballantine Books, 1973.
Looking Backward, From the Year 2000. New York: Ace Books, 1973.
The Lynchers. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973.
Lear. London: Eyre Methuen, 1972.
Les Blancs. A Drama in Two Acts. Final Text Adapted by Robert Nemiroff. New York: Samuel French, 1972.
The Light That Never Was. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
"The Lathe of Heaven" In Amazing Stories . Vol. 44.6 - 45.1 ., 1971.
Little Dog's Day. A Novel. London: Allison & Busby, 1971.