The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World In Part IV of her Observations Upon Experimental Philosophy. London: Ptd. By J. Maxwell, 1666.
"A Country-life" In Poems By the most deservedly Admired Mrs. Katherine Philips The Matchless Orinda. To Which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey & Horace, Tragedies. With several other Translations out of French. London: Ptd. by J.M., 1664.
Bell in Campo In Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent princess, the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle. London: Ptd. by A. Warren, 1662.
"The Inventory of Judgements Commonwealth, the Author cares not in what World it is established" In The Worlds Olio, Edited by Lady M[argaret] of Newcastle,(1623?-74). London: Ptd. for J. Martin Allestrye, 1655.
Twelve Humble Proposals To the Supreme Governours of the three Nations now assembled at Westminister concerning The Propagation of the Gospel, The New modling of the Universities, The Reformation of the Laws, The Supply of the necessities of the poor; And many other things of great moment, which may conduce to the honour of God, and the comfort and joy of his people. By M[ary] R[ande] an admirer and adorer of the good providence of God, in making such happy changes in these Nations, Edited by R[ande], M[ary] [pseud.]. London: Ptd. by Henry Hills, for R.C. and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, 1653.
The Countess of Montgomeries Urania. London: Ptd. for Ioh Marriott and Iohn G. Frismand, 1621.
"A Description of Cooke-ham" In Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum. London: Valentine Simmes, 1611.
“The maner of her Wyll, and what she left to London, and all those in it: at her departing” In A sweet Nosegay, or Pleasant Posye: contayning a hundred and ten Phylosophicall Flowers . London: R. Jones, 1573.