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"Light Times" In SciFutures presents The City of the Future, Edited by Phillips, Trina Marie. [Burbank, CA]: SciFutures, 2016.
“Lights On Water” In The Short Anthology: Fiction From Photography. The First Issue, Edited by Martin, Will and Phan, Kat. Np: Ptd. by Ditto Press, 2014.
"The Little Book of All Colors" In Papers in Honor of Professor Woodbridge Bingham: A Festschrift for His Seventy-fifth Birthday, Edited by Parsons, James B[unyan](b. 1948). San Francisco, CA: Chinese Materials Center, 1976.
"The Little Book of All Colors" In Papers in Honor of Professor Woodbridge Bingham: A Festschrift for His Seventy-fifth Birthday, Edited by Parsons, James B[unyan](b. 1948). San Francisco, CA: Chinese Materials Center, 1976.
The Little Wicket Gate. An Experience ex nihilo. London: A.C. Fifield, 1913.
"Lone Star Planet" In Fantastic Universe. Vol. 7.3 ., 1957.
"Lone Star Planet" In Fantastic Universe. Vol. 7.3 ., 1957.
Looking Forward. The Strange Experience of the Rev. Fergus McCheyne. Toronto, ON, Canada: William Briggs, 1913.
Looking Toward Eden. [North Charleston, SC]: CreateSpace, 2013.
The Lords of Misrule; A Tale of Gods and of Men. Chicago, IL: Laird and Lee, 1894.
“The Lost Emotion” In Arc. 2.1 Exit Strategies, Edited by Paul-Choudhury, Sumit. Vol. 2.1., 2014.
"Lost in sun and silence: The Golden Age of Communications" In Nature . Vol. 457.7233 ., 2009.
Love and Lunacy: A Satirical Comedy in Three Acts. London: J. Garnet Miller, 1955.
“Love in a Lonely City 2050" In SciFutures presents The City of the Future, Edited by Phillips, Trina Marie. [Burbank, CA]: SciFutures, 2016.
Love in the Ruins: The Adventures of a Bad Catholic at a Time Near the End of the World. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1971.
A Love Starved World. Los Angeles, CA: The Yale Pub. Co, 1937.
Lovers in Mars. Los Angeles, CA: Sargent House Publishers, 1954.
Lunar Braceros 2125-2148. National City, CA: Calaca Press, 2009.
Ma Windsor. Los Angeles, CA: The Hillside Press, 1983.
MALL. Washington, DC: Del Sol Press, 2019.
Manifesto: Being the Book of The Federation of Progressive Societies and Individuals, Edited by Joad, C[yril] E[dwin] M[itchinson](1891-1953). London: George Allen & Unwin, 1934.
Manifesto: Being the Book of The Federation of Progressive Societies and Individuals, Edited by Joad, C[yril] E[dwin] M[itchinson](1891-1953). London: George Allen & Unwin, 1934.
Mark Chester: or A Mill and A Million. A Tale of Southern California. Boston, MA: Benner of Light Publishing Co, 1901.
Mary Anne Carew: Wife, Mother, Spirit, Angel. Boston, MA: Colby and Rich, 1893.
“Meeting at the Giant Mushroom” In XR WORDSMITHS Solarpunk Storytelling Contest., 2021.