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"The Helmet of Hades" In New Writings in S-F , Edited by Carnell, [Edward] John(1912-72). Vol. 11. London: Dennis Dobson, 1968.
The Heretic. Whitestable, Eng.: Shipyard Press, 1963.
The Hero as Werwolf In The New Improved Sun: An Anthology of Utopian S-F, Edited by Disch, Thomas M[ichael](1940-2008). New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
The Hidden Tribe. London: Robert Hale, 1938.
The Hidden Tribe. London: Robert Hale, 1938.
His First Million Women. New York: Farrar Rinehart, 1934.
“A History of Barbed Wire” In A People’s Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers, Edited by LaValle, Victor(b. 1972) and Adams, John Joseph(b. 1976). New York: One World, 2019.
“History of the New World.” In Love After the End: Two-Spirit Utopias & Dystopias, Edited by Whitehead, Joshua. Narol, MB, Canada: Bedside Press, 2019.
The Holy Terror. London: Michael Joseph, 1939.
The Holy Terror. London: Michael Joseph, 1939.
Homes or Hovels: The Housing Problem and Its Solution. London: Freedom Press, 1944.
"Hometown" In 1. Vol. 3., 1957.
"Homo Inferior" In If: Worlds of Science Fiction. Vol. 2.5 ., 1953.
"The Honey Trap" In La Femme, Edited by Whates, Ian [George](b. 1959). [Weston], Eng.: NewCon Press, 2014.
"Hours of Trust" In Bad Noon Rising, Edited by Disch, Thomas M[ichael](1940-2008). New York: Harper & Row, 1973.
"How the Whip Came Back" In Orbit , Edited by Knight, Damon [Francis](1922-2002). Vol. 6. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1970.
"How Th'irth Wint Rong by Hapless Joey @" In After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia, Edited by Datlow, Ellen [Sue] and Windling, Terri. New York: Hyperion, 2012.
“How To Survive the Apocalypse for Native Girls” In Love After the End: Two-Spirit Utopias & Dystopias, Edited by Whitehead, Joshua. Narol, MB, Canada: Bedside Press, 2019.
Human Stock. Hartwell, VIC, Australia: Sid Harta Publishers, 2001.
Humanitarian Government. London: Np, 1890.
The Humanoid Touch. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1980.
The Humanoids. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1949.
"Hush My Mouth" In Alternate Histories: Eleven Stories Stories of the World As it Might Have Been, Edited by Waugh, Charles G. and Greenberg, Martin H[arry](1941-2011). New York: Garland, 1986.