"People's Park" In Vertex . Vol. 2.5 ., 1974.
“Picnic on Nearside” In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Vol. 47.2 (279)., 1974.
Power. New York: Dell Books, 1974.
"The Pre-Persons" In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction . Vol. 47.4 (281) ., 1974.
"Prognosis: Terminal" In 2020 Vision, Edited by Pournelle, Jerry [Eugene](1933-2017). New York: Avon, 1974.
"A Proposed Constitutional Model for the Newstates of Americas" In The Emerging Constitution. New York: Harper Magazine Press, 1974.
"Pyramids for Minnesota--A Serious Proposal" In Harper's Magazine . Vol. 248 ., 1974.
"Paradise Regained" In Saving Worlds: A Collection of Original Science Fiction Stories, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007) and Kidd, Virginia(1921-2003). Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.
Paramind. Toronto, ON, Canada: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1973.
"Parks of Rest and Culture" In Saving Worlds: A Collection of Original Science Fiction Stories, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007) and Kidd, Virginia(1921-2003). Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.
"The People of the Wind" In Analog Science--Science Fact . Vol. 90.6 - 91.2 ., 1973.
"Pity the Poor Outdated Man." In Nova , Edited by Harrison, Harry [Max](1925-2012). Vol. 3. New York: Walker and Co., 1973.
A Plenteous Seed. London: Robert Hale, 1973.
Port of Saints. London/Ollon, Switzerland: Covent Garden Press/Am Here Books, 1973.
"The Pugilist" In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Vol. 45.5 ., 1973.
"The Perplexities of John Forstice" In The Collected Stories of Bertrand Russell, Edited by Feinberg, Barry. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1972.
"Pigeon City" In Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact . Vol. 90.3 ., 1972.
"Project 40" In Galaxy Science Fiction . Vol. 33.3 - 5 ., 1972.
The Prosperity Plan; The only way to maintain widespread, well-founded prosperity and free enterprise in any society without war without debt without hardship without inflation without high taxes without big government and without communism. [Woomera, SA, Australia/Huntington Beach, CA]: Utopian Publishers, 1972.
"The People of Prashad" In Quark 2, Edited by Delany, Samuel R[ay](b. 1942) and Hacker, Marilyn(b. 1942). New York: Paperback Library, 1971.
The Pepper Leaf. An Episode. London: Chatto & Windus, 1971.
Pig World. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971.
Paradise Is Not Enough. London: Robert Hale, 1970.
"Paradise Lost" In Man Junior (Sydney, NSW, Australia) . Vol. 33.6., 1970.
A Piece of Resistance. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1970.