"A Dream of John Ball" In Poetry Harbinger: Introducing A.R.D. Fairburn (6 foot 3) and Denis Glover (11 stone 7), Edited by Cannibal, Dorothy Editor. Auckland, New Zealand: Pilgrim Press, 1958.
Democracy at Ease: A New Zealand Profile. London: Pall Mall Press, 1957.
"Dio" In Infinity Science Fiction. Vol. 2.5 ., 1957.
Doomsday Morning. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1957.
The Death of Grass. London: Michael Joseph, 1956.
"The Door Into Summer" In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (New York). Vol. 11.4 - 6 (65-67)., 1956.
Doubting Thomas. New York: Rinehart, 1956.
"The Drivers" In Worlds of If Science Fiction. Vol. 6.2 ., 1956.
Deep Freeze. London: Hamilton, 1955.
Deep in the Sky. A Science Fiction Novel. New York: Exposition Press, 1955.
Down to Earth. London: Heinemann, 1954.
"DP" In If: Worlds of Science Fiction . Vol. 4.1., 1954.
Dark Boundaries. London: Curtis Warren, 1953.
"The Defenders" In Galaxy Science Fiction . Vol. 5.4., 1953.
Drovers Road. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1953.
"Dead End" In Galaxy Science Fiction (New York). Vol. 3.4 ., 1952.
The Death of Metal. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1952.
"Defender of the Faith" In Science Fiction Quarterly . Vol. 2.1 ., 1952.
"The Demolished Man" In Galaxy Science Fiction (New York). Vol. 3.4 - 6 . Chicago, IL: Shasta, 1952.
The Devil's Advocate. New York: Crown, 1952.
"Dumb Waiter" In Astounding Science Fiction . Vol. 49. 2 ., 1952.
"Dark Interlude" In Galaxy Science Fiction (New York). Vol. 1.4 ., 1951.
The Disappearance. New York: Rinehart, 1951.
". . . Divided We Fall" In Amazing Stories (Chicago, IL). Vol. 24.12 ., 1950.
"Divine Right" In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (New York). Vol. 1.3 ., 1950.