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Kerr, A[ndrew] W[illiam](b. 1844).. Space: A Mirage. Edinburgh, Scot.: R. Grant and Son, 1913.
Mitchison, Naomi [Margaret](1897-1999). Solution Three. London: Dennis Dobson, 1975.
Gordon, Stuart [Richard Alexander Steuart](1947-2009). Smile on the Void: The Mythhistory of Ralph M'Botu Kitaj. New York: Berkley Books, 1981.
Morin, Emeline [Mimie]. "Slumber" In The Speculative Book, Edited by Clocherty, Mike. [Glasgow, Scot.]: The Speculative Bookshop EBook, 2016.
King, William [John](b. 1959). "Skyrider" In Zenith: The Best in New British Science Fiction, Edited by Garnett, David [S.](b. 1947). London: Sphere, 1989.
MacLeod, Ken[nth Macrae](b. 1954). The Sky Road. London: Orbit, 1999.
[MacGregor], [James Murdoch](1925-2008). Six Gates from Limbo. London: Michael Joseph, 1968.
Stross, Charles [David George](b. 1964). Singularity Sky. New York: Ace Books, 2003.
Masson, David I[rvine](1915-2007). "The Show Must Go On" In The Disappearing Future, Edited by [Hay], [Oswyn Robert Tregonnel]. London: Panther, 1970.
Brown, Eric(1960-2023). The Serene Invasion. Oxford, Eng.: Solaris, 2013.
Chan, Eliza. “Sensing the Dust” In Persisten Visions., 2017.
Gibson, Gary(b. 1965). "Senseless" In Shoreline of Infinity. Vol. no. 4., 2016.
[Erskine], [Thomas](1750-1823). The Second Part of Armata. London: John Murray, 1817.
Kerr, Philip [Ballantyne](1956-2018). The Second Angel. London: Orion, 1998.
Stross, Charles [David George](b. 1964). "SEAQ and Destroy." In There Won't Be War, Edited by Harrison, Harry [Max](1925-2012) and McAllister, Bruce [Hugh](b. 1946). New York: Tor, 1991.
Taylor, Pennie. "Scotland the Grave. A Short Story." In Scotland 2020: Hopeful Stories for a Northern Nation, Edited by Hassan, Gerry, Gibb, Eddie and Howland, Lydia. London: Demos, 2005.
Nicholls, M. J. ed. [written by]. Scotland Before the Bomb. [Montclair, NJ]: Sagging Meniscus Press, 2019.
Huchu, Tendai(b. 1982). "The Sale" In AfroSF: Science Fiction by African Writers, Edited by Hartmann, Ivor W.. [Zimbabwe]: StoryTime Press, 2012.
