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The Angel Isafrel: A Story of Prohibition in New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand: Upton & Co, 1896.
The Angel Isafrel: A Story of Prohibition in New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand: Upton & Co, 1896.
The Pure Causeway. Chicago, IL: Charles H. Kerr, 1899.
"City of Tagaste" In So Here Then Are the Preachments Entitled the City of Tagaste, and A Dream and A Prophecy, Edited by Robarge, Harriet. Vol. 940 copy ed. East Aurora, NY: The Roycrofters at the Roycroft Shop, 1900.
"A Dream and a Prophecy" In So Here Then Are the Preachments Entitled the City of Tagaste, and A Dream and A Prophecy, Edited by Robarge, Harriet. Vol. 940 copy ed. East Aurora, NY: The Roycrofters at the Roycroft Shop, 1900.
The Kite Trust (A Romance of Wealth). New York: Kite Trust Publishing Company, 1900.
Reinstern. Cincinnati, OH: The Editor Publishing Co, 1900.
Cash Is King. London: Henry J. Drane, 1901.
The Coloured Conquest. Sydney, NSW, Australia: N.S.W. Bookstall Co, 1904.
The Old Mountain Hermit. New York: Broadway Publishing Co, 1904.
The Sky Blue: A Tale of the Iron Horse and of the Coming of Civilization. Columbus, OH: Author, 1904.
As It May Be; A Story of the Future. Boston, MA: Richard G. Badger, The Gorham Press, 1905.
A Hundred Years Hence; The Expectations of an Optimist. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1905.
Laputa Revisited by Gulliver Redivivus in 1905 In 1905. London: Hirschfeld Brothers, 1905.
The Land of Nison. London: C.W. Daniel, 1906.
"Australia 1960" In Our Alma Mater (St. Ignatius' College, Riverview, NSW, Australia). Vol. no. 36 ., 1908.
Eve and the Evangelist; A Romance of A.D. 2108. Boston, MA: The Roxburgh Publishing Company, 1908.
Legions of the Dawn. A Novel. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1908.
Light of Centuries: The Forecast of a Practical Millennium. Peace Progress Prosperity Will Perfect Present Order. Dangers and Fallacies of both Socialism and Capitalism Exposed. Chicago, IL: Century Publishing Co. , 1908.
The Making of a Millennium; The Story of a Millennial Realm and Its Laws. Omaha, NB: Century Publishing Company, 1908.
Planetary Journeys and Earthly Sketches. London: Arnold Fairbairns, 1908.
"The Princess Steel" In PMLA, Edited by brown, adrienne maree(b. 1978) and Rusert, Britt. Vol. 130.3., 1908.
A Strange Land. London: Hutchinson & Co, 1908.
Atalanta; or, Twelve Months in the Evening Star. Brighton, Eng.: H. & C. Treacher, 1909.
Thro' Space. Boston, MA: New England Druggist Publishing Co., 1909.