"Sleeping in a Box" In Machine Sex. . . and Other Stories. Victoria, BC, Canada: Porcépic Books, 1988.
"Stairs" In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. Vol. 12.9 (134)., 1988.
“Stone Hands” In Sinister Wisdom. Vol. no. 34., 1988.
The Synthetics. Braunton, Devon, Eng.: Merlin Books, 1988.
"Salmpala" In Cloverleaf in the Grid, Edited by Briggs, Catherine and Veith, Thomas. Seattle: College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Washington, 1989.
The Scapeweed Goat. New York: Poseidon Press, 1989.
A Short History of the Future. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
"Sisters" In Tangents. New York: Warner Books, 1989.
"Six Kinds of Darkness." In Semiotext[e] SF, Edited by Rucker, Rudy [Rudolf von Bitter](b. 1946), Wilson, Peter Lamborn and Wilson, Robert Anton(1932-2007). Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 1989.
Skreemer. New York: DC Comics, 1989.
"Skyrider" In Zenith: The Best in New British Science Fiction, Edited by Garnett, David [S.](b. 1947). London: Sphere, 1989.
"The Spirit of Exmas Sideways" In Alternatives, Edited by Adams, Robert and Adams, Pamela Crippen. New York: Baen, 1989.
Stark. London: Michael Joseph, 1989.
"Strip-Runner" In Foundation's Friends: Stories in Honor of Isaac Asimov, Edited by Greenberg, Martin H[arry](1941-2011). New York: Tor, 1989.
Subterranean Gallery. New York: Tor, 1989.
Svaha. New York: Ace Books, 1989.
Sacred Fire. Paris: Robert Laffont, 1990.
Salt. Ringwood, VIC, Australia: McPhee, Gribble/Penguin Books Australia, 1990.
Secret Matter. South Norwalk, CT: Lavender Press, 1990.
Smart Rats. A Novel. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.
State of Play. Sutherland, NSW, Australia: Albatross Books, 1990.
Stealing Time. London: Onlywomen, 1990.
The Story of the Planet Candy. New York: Vantage Press, 1990.