The New Age of Gold or the Life and Adventures of Robert Dexter Romaine. Written By Himself. Boston, MA: Phillips, Sampson and Co, 1856.
"Ode to New Zealand. A Growl in a Sou'-Wester" In The Book of Canterbury Rhymes, Edited by [Reeves], [William Pember] and [Ward], [J.]. Christchurch, New Zealand: Ward and Reeves, Printer, 1856.
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Races of Mankind; With Travels in Grubland. Cincinnati, OH: Longley Bros, 1856.
Imaginary History of the Next Thirty Years. London/Edinburgh, Scot.: Sampson Low, Son & Co./John Menzies, 1857.
"Labour's Utopia" In Modern Manicheism, Labour's Utopia, and Other Poems. London: John W. Parker and Son, 1857.
Means Without Living. Boston, MA: Weeks, Jordan & Co, 1857.
Thorndale or The Conflict of Opinions. Edinburgh, Scot.: William Blackwood and Sons, 1857.
The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean. London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1858.
The Day After To-Morrow; or, Fata Morgana: Containing the Opinions of Mr. Serjeant Mallet, M.P. for Boldborough, on the Future State of the British Nation and of the Human Race. London: G. Routledge and Co, 1858.
Future Life; or, Scenes in Another World. New York: Derby and Jackson, 1858.
Hell on Earth! Murder, Rape, Robbery, Swindling, and Forgery Covertly Organized! Cannibalism Made Dainty! An Expose of the Infernal Machinations and Horrible Atrocities of Whited Sepulcherism; Together With A Plan for Its Final Overthrow. New York: Calvin Blanchard, 1858.
Provisional Constitution and Ordinances for the People of the United States. [St. Catharines, ON, Canada]: [William Howard Day, Printer], 1858.
The Air Battle: A Vision of the Future. London: William Penny, 1859.
Blake: or the Huts of America. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1859.
A Dream of The Day that must come. London: Wertheim, Macintosh, and Hunt, 1859.
The Far Future” In The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope ., 1859.
Constitution or Organic Basis of the Pantarchy. New York: Baker and Godwin, 1860.
The Happy Islands; or, Paradise Restored. Boston, MA: H.V. Degan & Son, 1860.
The Road Made Plain to Fortune for the Million: or, The Popular Pioneer to Universal Prosperity, Edited by Ward, Thos. M.D.. New York: Kennedy, 1860.
The Soldier of the People; or, The World's Deliverer. A Romance. New-York: Kennedy, 1860.
The New Koran of the Pacifican Friendhood: Text-book of Turkish Reformers, In the Teaching and Example of Their Esteemed Master Jaido Morata. London: George Manwaring, 1861.
"Theres Nae Place Like Otago Yet" In Poems and Songs. Edinburgh, Scot.: W.P. Nimmo, 1861.