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"Please Don't Shoot the Trees" In A Book of Contemporary Nightmares, Edited by Gordon, Giles. London: Michael Joseph, 1977.
Possibility; An Essay in Utopian Vision. Foreword. Introductory. The Oedipal Personality. Amherst, MA: The Green Knight Press, 1963.
Possibility; An Essay in Utopian Vision. Foreword. Introductory. The Oedipal Personality. Amherst, MA: The Green Knight Press, 1963.
“Potholes and Pumpkin Spice” In How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables, Edited by Graham, Mark, Kitchin, Rob, Mattern, Shannon and Shaw, Joe. Np: Meatspace Press, 2019.
“Preface to a Selected History of the Twenty-First Century” In The World to Come, Edited by West, Patrick and Dwivedi, Om Prakash. Strawberry Hills, NSW, Australia: Spineless Wonders, 2014.
Preliminary Draft of a World Constitution. As Proposed and Signed by Robert M. Hutchins, G[iuseppe] A[ntonio] Borgese, Mortimer J. Adler, Stringfellow Barr, Albert Guérard, Harold A. Innis, Erich Kahler, Wilber G. Katz, Charles H. McIlwain, Robert Redfield, Rexford G[uy] Tugwell. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1948.
"Premium Places" In How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables, Edited by Graham, Mark, Kitchin, Rob, Mattern, Shannon and Shaw, Joe. Np: Meatspace Press, 2019.
President Randolph as I Knew Him. An account of the historic events of the 1950's and 1960's written from the personal experiences of the secretary to the President. Philadelphia, PA: Dorrance, 1935.
The Priests of Ferris. Auckland, New Zealand: Oxford University Press, 1984.
The Prisoner's Son: Homage to Anthony Burgess. Seattle, WA: Black Heron Press, 1996.
"A Prologue to Utopia: The Six Days of its Creation (out of the conditions of the now-existing world)" In Northern New England Review. Vol. 1., 1975.
"A Prologue to Utopia: The Six Days of its Creation (out of the conditions of the now-existing world)" In Northern New England Review. Vol. 1., 1975.
"The Protocol: Your children deserve the best" In Nature . Vol. 452.7184., 2008.
Psylicon Beach. London: Scholastic Press, 1998.
The Purple Twilight. London: T. Werner Laurie, 1948.
Queen City Jazz. New York: Tor, 1994.
"Queen of Hearts" In Interzone. Vol. no. 173 ., 2001.
Quest for Genesis: A Journey of Discovery. San Jose, CA: Writers Club Press, 2000.
“Quiet Town” In Lightspeed Science Fiction & Fantasy. Vol. no. 59., 2015.
"Ragged Claws" In Edison's Frankenstein, Edited by Crowther, Peter(b. 1949) and Gevers, Nick. Vol. Postscripts 20/21. Hornsea, Eng.: PS Publishing, 2009.
"Rain" In Tesseracts2, Edited by Gotlieb, Phyllis [Fay Bloom](1926-2009) and Barbour, Douglas(b. 1940). Victoria, BC, Canada: Porcépic Press, 1987.
"Ralph 124C 41+ ["One two foresee for one"]" In Modern Electrics (New York). Vol. 4.1 - 12 ., 1911.
Rated. New York: Scholastic Press, 2019.
The Ravens of the Moon. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978.
Reality Crash. Lucerne Valley, CA: Authors, 2008.