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Smith, Naomi Gladish. The Arrivals. West Chester, PA: Chrysalis Books, 2004.
Smith, Titus K[eiper](b 1859). The Allegion or New World Religion. Based upon a proposition affording a scientific fundament of thought as benevolently revolutionary as were the proposals of Copernicus and Galileo in Astronomy, or of Dr. Joseph Priestly in Chemistry. New York: Ptd. by William Edwin Rudge, 1932.
Smith, L[ester] Neil [III](1946-2021). The American Zone, Edited by Frenkel, James. New York: Tor, 2001.
Soule, Charles(b. 1974). Anyone. A Novel. New York: Harper Perennial, 2019.
Sparks, Cat[riona](b. 1965). “And the Ship Sails On” In Aurum: A Golden Anthology of Australian Fantasy, Edited by Farr, Russell B.. Greenwood, WA, Australia: Ticonderoga Publications, 2018.
Spinrad, Norman [Richard](b. 1940). Agent of Chaos. New York: Belmont, 1967.
St. Clair, Margaret [Neeley](1911-1995). "Age of Prophecy" In Future Science Fiction Combined with Science Fiction Stories. Vol. 1.6 ., 1951.
Stableford, Brian [Michael](1948-2024). Architects of Emortality. New York: Tor, 1999.
Stableford, Brian [Michael](1948-2024). "The Age of Innocence" In Asimov's Science Fiction . Vol. 19.7 (232)., 1995.
Stableford, Brian [Michael](1948-2024). "And He Not Busy Being Born. . . ." In Interzone. Vol. no. 16 ., 1986.
Stackpole, Michael A[ustin](b. 1957). "According to Their Need" In Visions of Liberty, Edited by Tier, Mark and Greenberg, Martin H[arry](1941-2011). New York: Baen, 2004.
Stanbury, C. M.. Anti-Matter. Paradise, CA: Dustbooks, 1977.
Stephenson, Neal [Town](b. 1959). Anathem. New York: William Morrow, 2008.
Sterling, [Michael] Bruce(b. 1954). The Artificial Kid. New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
Story, Kate. "Animate" In Cli-fi: Canadian Tales of Climate Change, Edited by Meyer, Bruce. Holstein, ON, Canada: Exile Editions, 2017.
Stubbes, Phillip(c. 1555 – c. 1610). The Anatomie of Abuses: Contayning a Discoverie, or Briefe Summarie of such Notable Vices and Imperfections, as now raigne in many Christian Countreyes of the Worlde: but (especiallie) in a verie famous ILANDE called AILGNA: Together, with most fearefull Examples of Gods Iudgements, executed vpon the wicked for the same, aswell in AILGNA of late, as in other places, elsewhere. Verie Godly, to be read of all true Christians euerie where: but most needefull to be regarded in ENGLANDE. London: Richard Iones, 1583.
Suarez, Daniel(b. 1964). “All the Childhood You Can Afford” In Twelve Tomorrows: MIT Technology Review SF Annual 2016, Edited by Sterling, [Michael] Bruce(b. 1954). Cambridge, MA: MIT Technology Review, 2015.
