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The Monk of the Mountains; or, A Description of the Joys of Paradise: Being the Life and Wonderful Experiences of an Aged Hermit, Who Was Taken by His Deceased Friend to the First Heaven, and There Shown the Beauties and Happiness of the Spirit Land; With the Destiny and Condition of the Nations of the Earth for One Hundred Years to Come. Indianapolis, IN: Downey and Brouse, 1866.
“Monkey Cage Rules” In Alternative Truths, Edited by Radford, Phyllis Irene(b. 1950) and Brown, Bob. Benton City, WA: B Cubed Press, 2017.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1966.
The Moonhare. Fredericton, NB, Canada: York Press, 1996.
Morrow's Ants. London: Allen Lane, 1975.
"Moth Race" In Again, Dangerous Visions: 46 Original Stories, Edited by Ellison, Harlan [Jay](1934-2018). Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
"Mother of Invention" In Slate, Edited by Higgenbotham, Stacey., 2018.
“Mr Goop” In African Writing online. Vol. no. 7., 2009.
The Multiplex Man. New York: Bantam Books, 1992.
“Mum’s Group” In Futuristica Volume 1, Edited by Hoster, Chester W. and Stauber, Katy(b. 1976). Green Cove Springs, FL: Metasagas Press, 2016.
The Mutants are Coming. New York: del Rey, 1984.
My Chocolate Redeemer. London: Heinemann, 1989.
"My Huckleberry Friend" In Future Orbits . Vol. 2.3 (5) ., 2002.
My Petition for More Space. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
My Visit to the Sun. Los Angeles, CA.: Los Angeles, CA: De Vorss & Co., 1933.
Myora or The Land of Eternal Sunshine. In Three Parts. Chicago, IL: The Gimlin Press, 1903.
Myriam and the Mystic Brotherhood. New York: John Wurtele Lovell, 1912.
“The Nation That Shall Be” In The New Nation. Vol. 1.43., 1891.
"The National Pastime." In Nova , Edited by Harrison, Harry [Max](1925-2012). Vol. 3. New York: Walker, 1973.
The Nature of Ash. Auckland, New Zealand: Random House New Zealand, 2012.
"Neighborhoods" In How to Save the World, Edited by Helfers, John. [Lincoln City, OR]: Fiction River/WMG Publishing, 2013.
Nemesis: Inception. [North Charleston, SC]: [CreateSpace], 2015.
The Neptune Project. New York: Hyperion/Disney, 2013.
The Nether, A Play. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2014.
New Atlantis. Begun by the Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Albans: and Continued by R.H. Esquire. Wherein is set forth a Platform of Monarchical Government. With A Pleasant intermixture of divers rare Inventions, and wholsom customs, fit to be introduced into all Kingdoms, States, and Common-Wealths. London: Ptd. for John Crooke, 1660.