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Perfection City. London: Hutchinson, 1897.
Posterity; Its Verdicts and Its Methods or Democracy A.D. 2100. London: Williams and Norgate, 1897.
“Prehistoric Music. A Lecture Delivered by Professor Boremall Before the Members of the Society of Antediluvian Art, July, 2897” In Monthly Musical Record (London). Vol. 27.320 ., 1897.
President John Smith; The Story of a Peaceful Revolution. Vol. No. 64 of the Unity Library (December 1896). Chicago, IL: Charles H. Kerr, 1897.
A Prophetic Romance; Mars to Earth. Boston, MA: Arena Publishing Company, 1896.
The People of the Moon. A Novel. London: "The Electrician” Printing and Publishing Co. and Simpkin Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, and Co., 1895.
The Problem of Civilization Solved. Chicago, IL: Laird and Lee, 1895.
Preparing for the Twentieth Century. Being the Fifth Edition (Revised) of "Towards Fraternal Organisation". London: Brotherhood Trust, 1894.
The Product-Sharing Village. Chicago, IL: Civic Letters Co, 1894.
A Prospectus of Socialism; or, A Glimpse of the Millenium, Showing Its Plan and Working Arrangements and How It May Be Brought About. London: Ptd. by W. Reeves, 1894.
A Phantom’s Pilgrimage or Home Ruin. London: W. Ridgeway, 1893.
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A Prophet of the People. Wellington, New Zealand: City Printing Co. & N.Z. Field, 1893.
Pantocracy or The Reign of Justice. Washington, DC: Author, 1892.
The People's Program; The Twentieth Century is Theirs. A Romance of the Expectations of the Present Generation. New York: Workmen's Publishing Company, 1892.
Philip Meyer’s Scheme: A Story of Trades Unionism. New York: J.S. Ogilvie, 1892.
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Pantaletta: A Romance of Sheheland. New York: The American News Company, 1882.
A Peculiar People; or, Reality in Romance. Chicago, IL: Henry A. Sumner & Company, 1881.