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Elder, Cyrus. "Dream of a Free-Trade Paradise. A Laissez Faire Tale" In Dream of a Free Trade Paradise, and Other Sketches. Philadelphia, PA: Pub. for the Industrial League by Henry Carey Baird, Industrial Publisher, 1872.
Landis, S[imon] M[ohler](1829-1902). An entirely new feature of a thrilling new novel! Entitled, the Social War of the Year 1900; or, The Conspirators and Lovers! A Lesson for Saints and Sinners. Philadelphia, PA: Landis Publishing Society, 1872.
[Butler], [Samuel(1835-1902). Erewhon; or, Over the Range. London: Trübner, 1872.
Taylor, Bayard(1825-78). "Experiences of the A.C." In Beauty and the Beast: and Tales of Home. New York: Putnam & Sons, 1872.
"Glimpses of the Future" In Blackwood's Magazine . Vol. 112 ., 1872.
Brigham, A[lden]. An Hour With the Angels or A Dream of the Spirit Life. Worcester, MA: Author, 1872.
"'If I Were Dictator'" In St. Paul's Magazine. Vol. 11., 1872.
Author of "St. Abe.", The [pseud.]. "John Mardon, Mariner: His Strange Adventures in El Dorado" In St. Paul's Magazine. Vol. 11., 1872.
[Lee], [Henry B.]. Kennaquhair: Narrative of Utopian Travel. London: Chapman and Hall, 1872.
Reade, [William] Winwood(1838-75). The Martyrdom of Man. London: Trübner & Co, 1872.
Taylor, Bayard(1825-78). "Mrs. Strongitharm's Report" In Beauty and the Beast: and Tales of Home. New York: Putnam & Sons, 1872.
Ingelow, Jean(1820-97). "Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-two" In The Little Wonder Horn. London: Henry S. King, 1872.
Domett, Alfred(1811-87). Ranolf and Amohia: A South-Sea Day-Dream. London: Smith, Elder & Co, 1872.
Authwise, Eugene. "Ultrawa" In The Overland Monthly (San Francisco, CA). Vol. 9 - 11 ., 1872.
Brown, Fred H[arvey]. "What John Smith Saw in the Moon: A Christmas Story for Parties Who were Children Twenty years ago" In The Workingman's Advocate (Chicago, IL). Vol. 9.8 ., 1872.
Zaphnath Paaneah, or, The Irish Parliament in 1876. Respice, Aspice, Prospice. London: T. Richards, 1872.
