“A Scenario: Religion 2101: The Monkey Rite or Whatever Happened to the Pewsitters and Sunday-Dress-Up People” In Religion 2101 A.D. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975.
"A Scraping at the Bones" In Blood and Burning. London: Victor Gollancz, 1975.
The Second Coming. London: New English Library, 1975.
Seeds of Change. Don Mills, ON, Canada: Laser Books, 1975.
"Settling the World" In The New Improved Sun: An Anthology of Utopian S-F, Edited by Disch, Thomas M[ichael](1940-2008). New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
She Would Have Been a Taxi Dancer, but He Couldn’t Hail a Cab. A Novel. Chapel Hill, NC: Loom Press, 1975.
The Shockwave Rider. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
Showboat World. New York: Pyramid, 1975.
"Sierra Maestra" In Analog Science Fiction--Science Fact . Vol. 95.1., 1975.
Solution Three. London: Dennis Dobson, 1975.
Starcrossed. New York: Chilton, 1975.
The Stork Factor. New York: Berkley Books, 1975.
The Sex Savages. Chatsworth, CA: Barclay House, 1974.
The Sodom and Gomorrah Business. New York: Pocket Books, 1974.
"Songs of War" In Nova, Edited by Harrison, Harry [Max](1925-2012). Vol. 4. New York: Walker & Co., 1974.
"Sunrise West" In Vertex. Vol. 2.4 - 5 ., 1974.
"Saving the World" In Saving Worlds: A Collection of Original Science Fiction Stories, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007) and Kidd, Virginia(1921-2003). Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.
Season of Anomy. London: Rex Collings, 1973.
Shelter. New York: Manor Books, 1973.
"Slide Show" In Omega, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007). New York: Walker, 1973.
"Small War" In Saving Worlds: A Collection of Original Science Fiction Stories, Edited by Elwood, Roger [Paul](1943-2007) and Kidd, Virginia(1921-2003). Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.
Solution PNC and PNCland. [Oshkosh, WI]: Apex University Press, 1973.
Sorry Wrong Number. London: Andre Deutsch, 1973.
"The Square Root of MC" In New Writings in SF , Edited by Bulmer, [Henry] Kenneth(1921-2005). Vol. (22). London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973.
The Stone That Never Came Down. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.