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Nicol, Mike(b. 1951). Horseman. London: Bloomsbury, 1994.
Smuts, Eckard. “Home™” In The Johannesburg Review of Books. Vol. 6.2., 2022.
Lotz, Sarah(b. 1971). "Home Affairs" In AfroSF: Science Fiction by African Writers, Edited by Hartmann, Ivor W.. [Zimbabwe]: StoryTime Press, 2012.
Jacobson, Dan(1929-2014). Her Story. London: André Deutsch, 1987.
Barker, Nicola(b. 1966). H(a)ppy. London: Heinemann, 2017.


Goldstuck, Arthur. “Future Schlock” In Playboy (South Africa)., 1994.
Mbao, Wamuwi. "From the Air" In The Johannesburg Review of Books. Vol. 5.6., 2021.
"The Freedom Charter. Adopted at The Congress of the People. Klipstown, SA, on 26 June 1955" In After Apartheid: Renewal of the South African Economy, Edited by Suckling, John and White, Landeg. Heslington, York, Eng.: The Centre for Southern African Studies, University of York in Association with James Currey [London] and Africa World Press [Trenton, NJ], 1955.
Jayes, Karen. For the Mercy of Water. Johannesburg, South Africa: Penguin Books (South Africa), 2012.
Vladislavić, Ivan(b. 1957). The Folly. Cape Town, South Africa: David Philip Publishers,, 1993.
Goldstuck, Arthur. "The Fabulous Yesterdays" In Playboy (South Africa) ., 1994.


Herbstein, Manu(b. 1936). “Earth, Fire, Air, Water” In Omenana Speculative Fiction Magazine. Vol. no. 22., 2022.


Miller, Andrew. Dub Steps. Auckland Park, South Africa: Jacana Media, 2015.
Kaye, Blaize [M.]. “Diaspora Electronica” In Migrations: New Short Fiction from Africa, Edited by Moffett, Helen, Chela, Efemia and Kona, Bongani. Oxford, Eng.: New Internationalist Publications, 2017.
[Lotz], [Sarah](b. 1971), and [Lotz], [Savannah]. Dead Lands. A Deadlands Novel. Cape Town, SA: : Penguin Books (South Africa), 2011.
Hardy, Stacy. “The Day the White People Walked into the Sea” In The Johannesburg Review of Books . Vol. 2.2., 2018.
Hope, Christopher [David Tully](b. 1944). "The Day Out" In The Garden of Bad Dreams. London: Atlantic Books, 2008.
Delius, Anthony [Ronald St. Martin](1916-89). The Day Natal Took Off. A Satire. Cape Town, South Africa: Insight Publications, 1963.
Hope, Christopher [David Tully](b. 1944). Darkest England. London: Macmillan, 1996.
Greenberg, Louis. Dark Windows. Cape Town, South Africa: Umuzi, 2014.


Potgieter, Kristien. "Curing" In Omenana Speculative Fiction Magazine. Vol. no. 20., 2021.
