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Author [ Title] Year Filters: Keyword is Female author and Author is Marie [Lillian] Vibbert (b. 1974) [Clear All Filters]
We Built This City” In Clarkesworld. Vol. no. 189., 2022.
“Three Little Arcologies” In Little Blue Marble ., 2021.
“This is an Optimistic Story about the Future” In Little Blue Marble, Edited by Archer, Katrina., 2018.
“Subscription Life” In Dreams for a Better Worlds: Book Two in the Dreams Anthology Series, Edited by Meeropol, Ellen, Bissett, Carina and Jeffries, Celia. Lake Orion, MI: [Reckoning Press]/Essential Dreams Press, 2022.
“The Seventh Street Matriarchy” In Resist Fascism, Edited by Leib, Bart R. and Holt, Kay T.. [Somerville, MA]: Crossed Genres, 2018.
"Free WiFi" In If This Goes On, Edited by Rambo, Cat[herine Tigerlily](b. 1963). Yardley, PA: Parvus Press, 2019.
“Blue Eyes: The Right Look” In Nature. Vol. 581.7808., 2020.