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“Still Life with Hammers, a Broom & A Brick Stacker” In Obsidian. Vol. 42.1-2 Speculating Futures: Black Imagination & The Arts., 2016.
"Three Points Masculine” In Lightspeed. Vol. no. 72., 2016.
"Wage without Work" In ‘A Truly Golden Handbook’: The Scholarly Quest for Utopia, Edited by Achten, Veerle, Bouckaert, Geert(b. 1958) and Schokkaert, Erik. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 2016.
660ppm: A Novel of Climate Change. Winchester, Eng./Washington, DC: Comic Egg Books, 2015.
Binti. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2015.
The Book of Phoenix. New York: DAW Books, 2015.
“Follicular” In Gigantic Worlds, Edited by Michel, Lincoln(b. 1982) and Nieto, Nadxieli. Np: Gigantic Books, 2015.
“An Indigo Song for Paradise” In AfroSFv2, Edited by Hartmann, Ivor W.. [Zimbabwe]: StoryTime, 2015.
“Interview with Cindy Ok” In The Feminist Utopia Project: Fifty-Seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future, Edited by Brodsky, Alexandra and Nalebuff, Rachel Kauder. New York: The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2015.
“Out of the Storm” In Solarpunk Press., 2015.
“After the Water: The Last Cribkeeper” In WBEZ 91.5 Radio’s “After Water” series., 2014.
"Blessed Are the Hungry" In Apex Magazine. Vol. no. 62., 2014.
The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.
Dark Days. New York: Sky Pony Press, 2014.
“I m d 1 in 10” In The Future Fire: Social Political & Speculative Cyber-Fiction. Vol. no. 30., 2014.
Lagoon. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2014.
Only Ever Yours. London: Quercus, 2014.
"Poison Fish" In WBEZ 91.5 Radio’s “After Water” series. Chicago, IL: WBEZ 91.5 Radio, 2014.
“Rag and Bone” In AnarchoSF: Science Fiction and the Stateless Society [Cover adds Volume 1], Edited by Rich, Dana. Victor, IA: Obsolete Press, 2014.
The Watcher. Tucson, AZ: See Sharp Press, 2014.
“Benjamin’s Freedom Magic” In Steamfunk! , Edited by Davis, Milton and Ojetade, Balogun. Fayetteville, GA: MV media, LLC, 2013.
“Metal Feet” In Lagos_2060: Exciting Sci-Fi Stories from Nigeria, Edited by Arigbabu, Ayodele. Lagos, Nigeria: DADA Books, 2013.
“The Switch (Excerpt from the Switch II: Clockwork)” In Steamfunk! , Edited by Davis, Milton and Ojetade, Balogun. Fayetteville, GA: MV media, LLC, 2013.
“Tough Night in Tommyville” In Steamfunk!, Edited by Davis, Milton and Ojetade, Balogun. Fayetteville, GA: MV media, LLC, 2013.
Essential Liberty. A Thriller. Np: Author, 2012.