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Janice in Tomorrow-Land. New York: American Book Co, 1936.
Janice in Tomorrow-Land. New York: American Book Co, 1936.
The Lost Civilization: A Story of Adventure in Central Australia. Sydney, NSW, Australia: St. George Pub. Coy, 1936.
The Man Who Could Still Laugh (A Story of the Future). London: Bantam Books/Todd Publishing Co., 1936.
A New Earth and A New Heaven. London: Watts & Co, 1936.
"Nightmare?--Or Vision" In Action (London) . Vol. no. 35 ., 1936.
The Perfect World" In Wonder Stories (Springfield, MA) . Vol. 7.5 - 7.7., 1935.
World D: Being a Brief Account of the Founding of Helioxenon. London: Sheed & Ward, 1935.
World D: Being a Brief Account of the Founding of Helioxenon. London: Sheed & Ward, 1935.
Cankered Gold. Muskegon, MI: Author, 1934.
Castaways of Plenty. Denver, CO: Pub. by The Rocky Mountain Division of the Continental Committee on Technocracy, 1934.
If I Were Dictator. London: Methuen, 1934.
Intrigue on the Upper Level: A Story of Crime, Love, Adventure and Revolt in A.D. 2050. Chicago, IL: Reilly and Lee, 1934.
Strange Conquest. London: Lincoln Williams, 1934.
The Utopians Are Coming; A New Interpretation of Constitutional Americanism. Hollywood, CA: Cloister Press, 1934.
The Astonishing Island; Being a Veracious Record of the Experience, Undergone by Robinson Lippingtree Mackintosh from Tristan Da Cunha during an Accidental Visit to Unknown Territory in the Year of Grace MCMXXX---?. London: Lovat Dickson, 1933.
"The Island of Unreason" In Wonder Stories (Mt. Morris, IL). Vol. 4.12., 1933.
Little Arthur's History of the Twentieth Century. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1933.
Lost Horizon. New York: William Morrow & Co, 1933.
My Visit to the Sun. Los Angeles, CA.: Los Angeles, CA: De Vorss & Co., 1933.
The New Canada: An Engineer's Plans and Specifications for a New Economic Structure for Canada and Policies Relating Thereto. Toronto, ON, Canada: Author, 1933.
Sometime. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1933.
To-Morrow is a New Day. [Kyrenia, Cyprus?]: np, 1933.
To-Morrow is a New Day. [Kyrenia, Cyprus?]: np, 1933.
"War of the Sexes" In Weird Tales (Chicago, IL). Vol. 22.5., 1933.