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Schindler, Solomon(1842-1915). "Dr. Leetes Letter to Julian West" In The Nationalist . Vol. 3.2 ., 1890.
Schindler, Solomon(1842-1915). Young West; A Sequel to Edward Bellamy's Celebrated Novel, "Looking Backward". Boston, MA: Arena Publishing Company, 1894.
Schinagel, Gezá. Possibilities. Boston, MA: Meador Publ. Co, 1930.
Schimschal, J[ason]. The Devil's Utopia. A Novel. Sandy, OR: Trident Publishing, 2005.
Schimel, Lawrence(b. 1971). "Reunion" In Towers of Darkover, Edited by [Bradley], [Marion Zimmer](1930-1999). New York: DAW Books, 1993.
Schilbach, Kathy. “Counting the Days” In If This Goes On, Edited by Rambo, Cat[herine Tigerlily](b. 1963). Yardley, PA: Parvus Press, 2019.
Scherm, Rebecca. A House Between Earth and the Moon.. New York: Viking/Penguin Random House, 2022.
Scher, Joshua. After the End. Np: Aethon Books, 2021.
Scher, Joshua V.. After the End. Np: Aetheon Books, 2021.
Schenkel, Dr. P[eter]. The Message From Yon. London: Minerva Press, 1996.
Schenck, Hilbert [Van Nydeck] [Jr.](1926-2014). A Rose for Armageddon. New York: Timescape, 1982.
Schellhous, E. J. M.D.. The New Republic. Founded on the Natural and Inalienable Rights of Man, and Containing the Outlines of Such a Government As the Patriot Fathers Contemplated and Formulated in the Declaration of Independence, When Struggling for Liberty. San Francisco, CA: Bacon and Company, 1883.
Schapira, Kate. “Three Alternative Histories from the Climate Anxiety Counseling Booth” In Reckoning 1: An Annual Journal of Creative Writing on Environmental Justice, Edited by DeLuca, Michael. Vol. 1. Lake, Orion, MI: Reckoning Press, 2016.
Schaeffer, Franky, and Fickett, Harold. A Modest Proposal For Peace Prosperity and Happiness. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1984.
Schaefer, Frank. The Scapeweed Goat. New York: Poseidon Press, 1989.
Schachner, Nat[haniel](1895-1955). "Island of the Individualists" In Astounding Science Fiction (New York). Vol. 21.3., 1938.
Schachner, Nathan[iel](1895-1955), and Zagat, A[rthur] L[eo](1865-1949). “Exiles of the Moon” In Wonder Stories (Mt. Morris, IL) . Vol. 3.4 - 6 ., 1931.
Schachner, Nat[haniel](1895-1955). "City of the Cosmic Rays" In Astounding Science Fiction . Vol. 23.5 ., 1939.
Schachner, Nat[haniel](1895-1955). "City of the Corporate Mind" In Astounding Stories . Vol. 24.4., 1939.
Schachner, Nathan[iel](1895-1955). "The Robot Technocrat" In Wonder Stories (Mt. Morris, IL). Vol. 4.10., 1933.
Schachner, Nat[haniel](1895-1955). "Sterile Planet" In Astounding Stories. Vol. 19.5., 1937.
Schachner, Nat[haniel](1895-1955). "Past, Present and Future" In Astounding Stories. Vol. 20.1 ., 1937.
Schachner, Nat[haniel](1895-1955). "City of the Rocket Horde" In Astounding Stories . Vol. 20.4 ., 1937.
Scarrow, Alex(b. 1966). Afterlight. London: Orion, 2010.
Scarrow, Alex(b. 1966). Last Light. London: Orion, 2007.
