"Sanctuary" In Welcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead, Edited by Van Gelder, Gordon(b. 1966). New York: O/R Books, 2018.
“Sandals Full of Rainwater” In Capricious. Vol. no. 9., 2018.
Scribe. A Novel. Minneapolis, MN: Graywolf Press, 2018.
The Seclusion. Oakland, CA: Inkshares, 2018.
"A Secure Home" In Sanctuary: An Experimental Anthology of Speculative Fiction, Edited by Shultz, David F.. Np: TdotSpec, 2018.
"Seeds" In All We Ever Wanted: Stories of a Better World, Edited by Miner, Matt, Palicki, Eric and Chin-Tanner, Tyler. Np: A Wave Blue World, 2018.
“Seventeen Souls” In All We Ever Wanted: Stories of a Better World, Edited by Miner, Matt, Palicki, Eric and Chin-Tanner, Tyler. Np: A Wave Blue World, 2018.
“The Seventh Street Matriarchy” In Resist Fascism, Edited by Leib, Bart R. and Holt, Kay T.. [Somerville, MA]: Crossed Genres, 2018.
Severance. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2018.
“Sexy Robot Heroes In Mother of Invention, Edited by Rafael, Rivqa and Roberts, Tansy Rayner(b. 1978). Yokine, WA, Australia: Twelfth Planet Press, 2018.
Shrinking, Sinking Land. Chester, Eng.: Odd Voice Out Publishing, 2018.
"Singles' Day" In Interzone. Vol. no. 277., 2018.
Sinless: Eye of the Beholder. Book 1. New York: Harper Voyager, 2018.
"Skinned" In McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern. Vol. no. 53., 2018.
“Skippy’s Visit East” In Welcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead, Edited by Van Gelder, Gordon(b. 1966). New York: O/R Books, 2018.
“The Smallest Atom in the World” In Little Blue Marble., 2018.
"Sneakers" In Welcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead, Edited by Van Gelder, Gordon(b. 1966). New York: O/R Books, 2018.
“The Soil Merchant” In Little Blue Marble., 2018.
Something to Watch Over Me: My Favourite Sentience” In Nature. Vol. 556.7702 ., 2018.
“Speculative Hyperstition at a Northern Further Education College” In Economic Science Fictions, Edited by Davies, William. London: Goldsmiths Press, 2018.
"The Sponsor" In Salt Hill Journal. Vol. no. 40., 2018.
“Statues of Limitations” In Welcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead, Edited by Van Gelder, Gordon(b. 1966). New York: O/R Books, 2018.
"A street but half made up: Meet the literary agent” In Nature. Vol. 553.7867 ., 2018.
“The Streets Turned Blue and Green” In Little Blue Marble., 2018.
"Suffocation" In Welcome to Dystopia: Forty-five Visions of What Lies Ahead, Edited by Van Gelder, Gordon(b. 1966). New York: O/R Books, 2018.