"Walkers" In Dystopia Utopia Short Stories: An Anthology of New & Classic Tales. London: Flame Tree Publishing, 2016.
War: What if it was here? . London: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
“Watching the Watchers” In Thirty Years of Rain, Edited by Gallagher, Elaine, Johnston, Cameron and Williamson, Neil(b. 1968). Glasgow, Scotland: Taverna Press, 2016.
The Waterdancer’s World. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2016.
Watershed. North Sydney, NSW, Australia: Vintage Books Australia, 2016.
The Way of Water/Natura dell'acqua In Future Fiction. Vol. 19. Rome: Minione, 2016.
"Webs" In Asimov's Science Fiction. Vol. 40.7 (486) ., 2016.
"Well Enough Alone" In Shoreline of Infinity. Vol. no. 4., 2016.
“What Happens When Stars Die” In Mitêwâcimowina: Indigenous Science Fiction and Speculative Storytelling, Edited by McLeod, Neal. [Pinticion, BC, Canada]: Theytus Press, 2016.
“When No One’s Left” In Reckoning 1: Creative Writing on Environmental Justice, Edited by DeLuca, Michael. Vol. 1. Lake Orion, MI: Reckoning Press, 2016.
“When the Cold Comes: Be Prepared” In Nature. Vol. 534.7605., 2016.
“Who Do You Love?” In Drowned Worlds: Tales from the Anthropocene and Beyond, Edited by Strahan, Jonathan(b. 1964). Oxford, Eng.: Solaris, 2016.
"Without Walls" In Solarpunk Press., 2016.
“Wolfina” In Reckoning 1: An Annual Journal of Creative Writing on Environmental Justice, Edited by DeLuca, Michael. Vol. 1. Lake Orion, MI: Reckoning Press, 2016.
“Wonder of the World” In Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Edited by Milkoreit, Manjana, Martinez, Meredith and Eschrich, Joey. [Tempe, AZ]: [Arizona State University], 2016.
Aftermath: Beyond World-Mart. Henderson, NV: Cerebral Press, 2015.
“All Along the Mal.” In The Future Fire: Social Political & Speculative Cyber-Fiction. Vol. no. 33., 2015.
All Things Rise. Valley Falls, NY: Bold Strokes Books, 2015.
Anchor Point. South Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Affirm Press, 2015.
Ash: A Destined Novel. [Hoboken, NJ]: Polis Books, 2015.
At the Beginning: This is the Way It Was. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2015.
The August 5. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2015.
The Beautiful Bureaucrat. A Novel. New York: Henry Holt, 2015.
The Big Lie. London: Hot Keys Books, 2015.
Binti. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2015.