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"The Emperor" In Scifiction., 2005.
"Future Heroes 2035: My Friends and I" In Futuristics: Looking Ahead. Volume One of Tackling Tomorrow Today, Edited by Shostak, Arthur B.. Np: Chelsea House Publishers, 2005.
"Future Heroes 2035: My Friends and I" In Futuristics: Looking Ahead. Volume One of Tackling Tomorrow Today, Edited by Shostak, Arthur B.. Np: Chelsea House Publishers, 2005.
"Girls and Boys, Come Out to Play" In Asimov's Science Fiction . Vol. 29.7 (354)., 2005.
The Hunted. London: Macmillan's Children Books, 2005.
"Ivory Tower: A Place to call your own" In Nature 434.7034., 2005.
"Ivory Tower: A Place to call your own" In Nature 434.7034., 2005.
"January 2051: A Letter To My Best Bud in Bangladesh" In America: Moving Ahead. Volume Two of Tackling Tomorrow Today, Edited by Shostak, Arthur B.. Np: Chelsea House Publishers, 2005.
"The Lone and Level Sands" In Future Washington, Edited by Lilley, Ernest. Washington, DC: Washington Science Fiction Association (WSFA), 2005.
"The Lone and Level Sands" In Future Washington, Edited by Lilley, Ernest. Washington, DC: Washington Science Fiction Association (WSFA), 2005.
Moped Army, Edited by Kastner, Daniel Robert, King, Simon and Irwin, Jane. Kalamazoo, MI: Café Digital Comics, 2005.
Overdrive. Remuera [Auckland], New Zealand: Arete Publishing Ltd, 2005.
The Patralmador Paradox: Seduction and Salvation of Planet Earth. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, Inc, 2005.
The Protector's War. New York: Roc, 2005.
The Protector's War. New York: Roc, 2005.
Zanesville. New York: Villard Books, 2005.
"Blue Stars for All Saviors' Day" In The Outcast: An Anthology of Exiles and Strangers, Edited by Murphy, Nicole R.. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild, 2006.
The Book of Dave: A Revelation of the Recent Past and the Distant Future. London: Viking, 2006.
The Collapse. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2006.
The Culled. Oxford, Eng.: Abaddon Books, 2006.
". . . the darkest evening of the year. . ." In The Future Is Queer, Edited by Labonté, Richard and Schimel, Lawrence(b. 1971). Vancouver, BC, Canada: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
"The Debt of the Innocent" In Glorifying Terrorism: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction, Edited by Mendlesohn, Farah. London: Rackstraw Press, 2006.
"Die Umkehr" In Gaylaxicon Sampler 2006, Edited by Sakers, Don. Linthicum, MD: Speed-of-C Productions, 2006.
"Down in The Corridor" In Jigsaw Nation: Science Fiction Stories of Secession, Edited by McFadden, Edward J. III and Sedia, E[katerina](b. 1970). Radford, VA: Spyre, 2006.
"Escape From New Austin" In Jigsaw Nation: Science Fiction Stories of Secession, Edited by McFadden, Edward J. III and Sedia, E[katerina](b. 1970). Radford, VA: Spyre, 2006.